Yearbook 2023

Issue 1 · 20 Dec 2023

In this issue

2023 Student Leaders School Leaders, Red House Leaders , Green House Leaders, Yellow House Leaders , Blue House Leaders , Sports Leaders, Visual Arts Leaders, Performing Arts Leaders, Languages Leaders , STEM Leaders, Inquiry Investigations Leaders, Community Leaders, Eco Leaders , Wellbeing 
Insights from the Big Boss
Reflections of 2023
Celebrating the 2023  School Year
BEPS Building Building B, COLA- The new building 
Breakfast Club 2023
Physical Education 3-6 Cross Country, Athletics Day, 5/6 Interschool Sport and Round Robin Days
Running Club 2023
Basketball Club 2023 Student Quotes
Foundation 2023 Highlights First Week of School, Chesterfield Farm, Earth Crusaders Incursion, 100 Days of School, Excursion to CERES, Teddy Bear Picnic, Firefighter Visit, Good Luck Foundation of 2023!
FN - If I lived below water...
FA - If I lived below water...
FJ - If I lived below water...
Mandarin 中文 zhōng wén BEPS Mandarin Program
Chinese Calligraphy Club 2023
'Start A Band'
Year 1 - 2023 Police Visit Incursion, Caldermeade Farm Excursion , Earth Crusaders Incursion , SEALIFE Excursion 
1S - If I had 1 billion dollars I would...
1M - If I had 1 billion dollars I would...
1L If I had 1 billion dollars I would...
1G - If I had 1 billion dollars I would...
Music - Performing Arts
Junior Choir 2023  Junior Choir
Film Club Film Club
Year 2 - Class of 2023 Myuna Farm Excursion, Year 2 Sleepover, Edithvale Wetlands Excursion, Term 3 Swimming Program, Lizards and Stick Insects Incursion
2B - How to Improve Highbury Park
2SE - How to Improve the Classroom
2J - How to Improve the School Library 
2S- How to Improve the School Playground
Digital Tech at BEPS Micro-Bit Club, Robotics Club, Lego Spike 2023, Sphero Club
3D Printing Club
Our highlights in Year 3  'The Body Investigators' Incursion, Collingwood Children's Farm Excursion , Melbourne Museum Excursion - Climate Change and Victoria's Future , Camp Rumbug, Reptile Encounters Incursion 
3J - If I could travel to any country in the world, where would I go and why? 
3L - If I could travel to any country in the world, where would I go and why? 
3M - If I could travel to any country in the world, where would I go and why? 
3R - If I could travel to any country in the world, where would I go and why? 
Visual Arts This Academic Year, One of the hallmarks, As We Reflect
Expert Art 2023
Paper Quilling Club 2023
Clay Club 2023
Highlights in Year 4 - 2023  Camp Weekaway, Inquiry Walk @ Tally Ho & Highbury Park, REPLAS Excursion, CERES Excursion, Open classroom - Procedures, Swimming, AFL Clinic , Buddies, Special Events
- 4A - I am an Advocate for.... 
- 4B - I am an Advocate for.... 
- 4E - I am an Advocate for.... 
- 4M - I am an Advocate for.... 
Drama - Performing Arts
Drama Club 2023
Year 5 - 2023 Alexandra Adventure Resort - Year 5/6 Camp, Sport, Port Phillip Eco Centre, Other
Year 5D
Year 5B
Year 5T
Year 5K
Writing Corner Club
Maths Clubs 2023 
Highlights of  the Class, Year 6 2023! 
6AF Class of 2023
6AW Class of 2023
Sustainability Compost and Gardening , Gardening Club, Rubbish Collection and Recycling , Waste Warriors, Nude Food Everyday