Insights from the Big Boss

Another successful year at BEPS which as always is driven by the dedication and ongoing support of all stakeholders in our community who throughout the year enable our students to have the resources they need to excel, connect and to thrive in their learning environment.


Our capital works program has been a lesson in patience and adaptability with the building and outdoor spaces finally ready for the beginning of 2024. The program will modernise the way we deliver our specialist program and offer new approaches to the way we connect learners in different cohorts.


As always, our students have shone brightly in their classroom with access to a range of learning opportunities and outdoors through sport and other external events. We have had a clear focus on developing more ways to engage our students to share their perspective and hear their voice, in the decisions made for them and about them which impact their school.

Particular congratulations are extended to our Year 6 2023 cohort who represented themselves with outstanding success throughout their time at primary school and deserve recognition for their passion for learning.


A special thanks to the parents who have contributed in many different ways. The partnership between home and school is so important to the success of student outcomes, staff culture and the ongoing learning programs which support quality wellbeing and engagement at Burwood East Primary School. 


I would like to wish everyone a wonderful end to the year as we look to further development and improvement at BEPS in 2024. 


Yours in partnership,

Darren McDonald
