Celebrating the 2023 


School Year

A message from Teri.

It is hard to conceive just how quickly 2023 has come to a close. It feels like yesterday that our Foundation students conquered their first day at school with such ease and a readiness to learn. It has been an amazing year, filled with many things to celebrate! 


I wish to extend my congratulations and gratitude to our students on their efforts this year. They have all achieved success in their personal learning goals, been encouraged to explore their interests/passions and been supported to step outside their comfort zone to become resilient, critical and creative learners. This year many students have extend their learning beyond the classroom, considering how their actions can impact the world around them. Students have presented ideas to the school on reducing their carbon footprint and ways they can be more sustainably conscious.  As a staff, our Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) and Curriculum Action Teams worked collaboratively to continue to work on our goals and targets. We continually reflect on our current practices, with the shared goal of enhancing student learning and wellbeing. Our behaviour management tiered approach has been successfully implemented with a shared expectation of the positive behaviours that makes BEPS a great place to learn.


Many fond memories were created at Burwood East PS this year. We watched the school grounds transform, with the addition of our new building and Covered Outdoor Learning Area (COLA), and the demolition of Block A. In a touching farewell to the old building, our students brightly decorated the walls and floors with art masterpieces. It looked fantastic! We also held a number of special events and activities this year, including school camping experiences (Year 3-6), Year 2 sleepover, BEPS Celebration Concert, School Production 'Start a Band', Year 6 Graduation, Robo Cup Championship and our kinder transition sessions. Our Parents Association and Junior School Council created many fundraising activities to support our school and local charities.


As you read through 2023’s Yearbook and reflect on the year that was, I hope you feel inspired by the students at Burwood East Primary School. Thank you to everyone for contributing to such a memorable year of school. Our students all bring something unique and wonderful to this learning community and I cannot wait to see what 2024 will bring.

Lastly, goodbye to our Year 6 students heading off to high school next year, remember to be your wonderful self, dream big, be brave and show kindness.


Have a lovely break and stay safe,

Teri Smith

Assistant Principal