Highlights in Year 4 - 2023 

Camp Weekaway

The Year 4 students had a blasting experience at Camp Weekaway (November 1st - 3rd), nestled in the quiet Benloch valley. Many students stepped out of their comfort zones, overcame fears and actively engaged in different collaborative activities including laser tag, giant swing, canoeing, hut building, damper making, rogaining, and a night bush walk.

Inquiry Walk @ Tally Ho & Highbury Park

On Thursday the 9th of March, the Year 4 students went on a walking excursion to explore the local community as part of our Term 1 Inquiry topic, ‘Good Health and Wellbeing’. Students investigated local services and facilities that promote good health and wellbeing. They walked around the surrounding streets of Burwood East Primary School, and 'Sharpened the Saw' at Tally Ho by eating their lunch, reading a book and playing a variety of sports and games in the sunshine.

REPLAS Excursion

To immerse students in our Term 2 Inquiry Investigation topic, ‘Responsible Consumption and Production’, Year 4 students went to REPLAS Environmental Centre. Students engaged in an inspirational tour to experience the interactive world of plastic recycling. Students learnt about the impact of plastic waste on our environment, landfill, and the current waste processes in Australia. They were exposed to the benefits of a circular economy using the 7 R's of recycling, and how simple actions at home and within the community can help create a more sustainable future. 

In the showroom, students had the opportunity to explore the facilities and participated in a variety of activities. Students read books on the benches, played Jenga, and played in the sandpit. Some students even utilised the equipment for exercise. 

Did you know these were all made from recycled plastic?

CERES Excursion

In Term 3, Year 4 students went to CERES Environmental Park to investigate renewable energy for our Inquiry topic ‘Renewable Cities and Communities’. Students had the opportunity to explore CERES' facilities and gain insights into how the park was designed to achieve complete sustainability.

Through engaging in hands-on activities, students explored various forms of renewable energy, including solar, wind and hydrothermal energies. They also examined the detrimental impacts of fossil fuels on the environment, and gained a deeper understanding of how the use of fossil fuels has caused significant shifts in natural systems over time. This knowledge further reinforced the importance of transitioning towards sustainable and renewable energy alternatives.

Open classroom - Procedures

During a Writing session, Year 4 students not only enjoyed making and eating tasty ANZAC biscuits, but also grasped the structure of procedural texts and recognised the importance of providing precise instructions.


Parents were welcomed into the classroom to partake in the excitement, following closely to the recipes and instructions written by the students. Some parents experienced playing Minecraft for the first time, others engaged in making sandwiches, slimes, and milkshakes, while some drew pictures.


In Term 3, many students participated in the Swimming Program at the Nunawading Aqualink to learn about water safety and swimming techniques. 

AFL Clinic 


As the upcoming leaders of BEPS, Year 4 students were role models and took on the responsibility to support a smooth transition for the Foundations. Every fortnight, the Year 4's bonded with their Foundation buddies and engaged in a variety of games and activities to develop crucial skills, with the focus on the BEPS school values and the 7 Habits of Happy Kids. 

Special Events

Crazy Hair Day
Crazy Hair Day
Crazy Hair Day
Harmony Day
Book Week
Crazy Hair Day
Crazy Hair Day
Crazy Hair Day
Harmony Day
Book Week