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I am an Advocate for....
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I am an Advocate for....
Alex - Having more fruit and vegetables because if you don't eat them you can become sick.
Elaine - Stopping dredging because it can kill sea life.
Rhys - Not littering because marine life might mistake it for food or get stuck in the rubbish.
Zoe W - Preventing coral bleaching because I love corals and don't wish them to become bleached.
Tiana - All aquatic animals that are becoming endangered due to pollution and global warming because our planet needs animals to survive.
Ethan A - Eating fruit and vegetables because fruit and vegetables are healthy for us.
Darren - Not littering because if we litter it will go in the ocean and kill the marine life.
Advay - People exercising more to promote health and fitness because it's important to stay active for your health and wellbeing.
Emma - Preventing oil spills because it will kill lots of aquatic animals.
Nadim - Good sleep to rest your brain because your brain won't function properly without a good nights sleep.
Melody - Protecting corals like anemone because the Great Barrier Reef is being affected by pollution and I want to go for a holiday there!
Daisy - Helping aquatic creatures be safe from rubbish and pollution because I love animals.
Sean - Not over fishing because if we over fish too much the aquatic ecosystem might collapse.
James - Preventing people from littering and telling people to recycle more because the world would be a happier place.
Natherine - Axolotls in the topic 'Life Below Water' because I like animals and we should save them from going extinct.
Annabelle - Preventing oil spills from happening because oil spills harm many aquatic creatures like the sea otter.
Kai - Not littering because littering in bad for the environment.
Advay - People exercising more to promote health and fitness because it's important to stay active for your health and wellbeing.
Selene - Stopping oil spills from ruining coral reefs and killing aquatic creates because we need the water to survive.
Hayden - Not littering because it is bad for the environment.
Inaya - Stopping over fishing because the whole ecosystem would collapse without enough fish.
Charlie C - Less screen time because if you have too much screen time it might affect your eyesight.
Zoe A - Preventing coral bleaching because I love corals and don't wish them to become bleached.
Lam - Good mental health because I want people to be happy.
Shenya - Preventing littering because littering is bad for the environment.
Oliver - Preventing people from over fishing because aquatic animals could become extinct.