Reflections of 2023

Dear students, teachers, parents and carers,


The year has flown by so quickly. The Yearbook is always a great way to celebrate the achievements of our students and wider community throughout the year. 2023 has thrown up some new challenges to us as a community with the building project requiring us to again show our resilience and flexibility which is a strength of our school. The school vision of ‘Learn, Create, Inspire’ has continued to encapsulate what it means to be part of Burwood East Primary School community. 


I would like to acknowledge all the staff and students for their ongoing effort in ensuring learning is at the core of each and every day at Burwood East. I encourage all our community to reflect on the positives that have occurred throughout the year.

For me, 2023 has been a year of further learning and growth: welcoming our 2023 Foundation students who have thrived in the first year of school, seeing student voice and agency continue to be developed throughout our school, the continued outstanding academic results through ICAS and NAPLAN and all students having the opportunity to participate in the school concert “Start a band”. 


Other highlights throughout the year include; Our buddies program, inquiry expos, Year 2 sleepover and Year 3 to 6 camps and our student performances at assembly. All these opportunities enable students to demonstrate success in a range of areas of their schooling.


Finally, I would also like to acknowledge all the students, staff and parents who have supported me during my 6 years at Burwood East Primary School. I have thoroughly enjoyed every moment I have spent with the community that has not only impacted on my growth as an educator but my beliefs and values beyond education. I will leave the school with great fondness and excitement for what is to come next as a father and a Principal.


To all the families who are finishing their time at Burwood East Primary School, I wish you all the best of luck for the future and in the next stage of your journey. 


Kind regards,

Andrew Den Elzen

Assistant Principal