Music - Performing Arts

Harmonizing Talent, Passion, and Excellence

The Music Program has been a cornerstone of BEPS' commitment to fostering artistic expression, creativity and a love for music. As we reflect on the achievements and growth of the program throughout this year, it becomes evident that the Music Program continues to play a vital role in shaping not only talented musicians but also well-rounded individuals.

The program offers a diverse range of musical opportunities, allowing students to explore various genres and instruments. From classical orchestras to contemporary ensembles, the curriculum is designed to expose students to the richness and diversity of the musical landscape. This inclusivity ensures that every student can find their musical niche and develop a deep appreciation for the art form.

The Music Program has excelled in developing our students, both individually and collectively. From outstanding solo performances to the cohesion of our orchestras and ensembles, it has consistently demonstrated a commitment to excellence.