FJ - If I lived below water...

"I would be an axolotl because they are very cute." - Buena

"I would be a crab because they pinch." - Granth


"I would be a whale because whales are big. Whales are the biggest animal in the ocean." - Ayaan

"I would be a turtle because they live in the ocean and have beautiful shells." - Selena


"I would be a clownfish because clownfish have an orange body." - Edith

"I would be a dolphin because dolphins are cute." - Millie


"I would be a shark because if sharks vanish the whole population will." - Luke

"I would be an axolotl because they have sharp ears." - Henry


"I would be a dolphin because they swim super fast." - Jackson

"I would be a jellyfish because that blue jellyfish will sting people." - Farzana


"I would be an axolotl because they are Mexican and they are mammals." - Oscar

"I would be a blue whale because they are three buses long." - Aozhi


"I would be a dolphin because dolphins have cool tails." - Emily

"I would be a dolphin!" - Cianna


"I would be a dolphin because it can swim so fast and jump so high!" - Mars

"I would be a shark because they are in the sunlight zone." - Sobhan


"I would be a dolphin because they are shiny." - Ava

"I would be a whale shark because whale sharks get the most food." - Christian


"I would be an axolotl because they are very cute." - Louis

"I would be a dolphin because they live in the ocean." - Chloe


"I would be a blue whale because blue whales can dive deep." - Michael

"I would be a jellyfish because I want to float in the ocean." - Alisa


"I would be a dolphin because dolphins have tails." - Yuna