Year 2 - Class of 2023

This year, the Year 2 students were very busy all year! We had special events like our excursions to the Edithvale Wetlands and Myuna Farm, swimming program and the Year 2 Sleepover. Take a look at some of the photos of the fun events we had on this year...

Myuna Farm Excursion

At Myuna Farm, we learnt how food and other products such as wool are produced and where they come from. We got to meet a variety of animals and learn about their basic needs to survive. We even got to ride a train to visit the wetlands that used to cover the entire farm and discussed how to balance the needs of humans with the needs of native animals. 


Year 2 Sleepover

In Term 4, the Year 2 students participated in the biggest event of the year so far; the Year 2 Sleepover! Everyone was super excited to join in the different games and activities, watch a movie and eat popcorn before going to sleep in the classrooms! We were incredibly lucky to celebrate Joel from 2J's birthday as well. 


Edithvale Wetlands Excursion

Year 2 went to the Edithvale Wetlands to observe different birds from within a bird hide and use a model to see how water flowing through cities carries rubbish and other pollution to the ocean. The students used binoculars to identify some of the 200 different species in the wetlands and observed how the wetlands were cut in half to make way for a road to connect different nearby suburbs. 

Term 3 Swimming Program

Year 2 students participated in a 2-week swimming program, focussing on improving swimming and water safety skills in and around the pool. These included how to get in and out of the pool safely, how to float, and how to streamline their bodies to move through the water more efficiently. The students even had the opportunity to swim in the big, deep pool on the last day!

Lizards and Stick Insects Incursion

Anthony, a lecturer from Deakin University, visited with a mixture of lizards and stick insects to discuss how humans impact upon the environment of different animals, and presented some easy solutions to support these very important creatures.