- 4A - 

I am an Advocate for.... 




Parth - Penguins from climate change because the ice is melting in Antarctica. 








Ethan D - Blue whales because people are overfishing them for whale meat.








Alexander - Eating fruits and vegetables for a healthier diet.









Sienna - Sustainable cities to protect our environment from pollution. 







Vedith  - Stopping coral bleaching to protect the corals.










Sara - Great white sharks because there are only 3500 left in the world.









Lina - Staying healthy by doing exercise because it is important to keep fit.








Isabella - Stop overfishing eagle rays  because they are soon to be endangered.








Justin - Eating bananas because it provides important vitamins and minerals.










Jack - Protecting the turtles because humans are hunting for their shell and meat.










Ethan L -  Emperor penguins from climate change because they are an important food source to many Antarctic animals. 









Nadia - Keeping the body moving because it improves your strength, flexibility and balance.










Jonas - Healthy eating because it is important to have a healthy body.









Josh S - Oceanic manta rays because their food source are running out. 









Laura - Dynamic glass because it locks in the heat and helps save energy. 









Tom - Keeping a healthy screen time to  relax, have fun and stay happy.






Lucy - Green sea turtles because they are near extinction and we need to repopulate them.






Angelina  - Rubbish because there is too much rubbish in our sea and this is bad for the animals.








Jarrod - Green sea turtle because they are on the verge of extinction. 








Angela - Stopping dredging because it harms the habitats, which sea animals live in.








Kevin - Exercising because it helps your body grow and stay healthy.








Jasmyne - A clean ecosystem so that the green sea turtles can live healthy in their habitat. 







Shaheer - Having a companion like dog to take for walks, improves health and wellbeing.








Jaylen - Bananas, also known as the happy fruit because it contains tryptophan that makes people happy.






Cynthia - Protecting sea turtles because they are getting injured by human's pollution. 








Mia - Dolphins because many are being kept in captivity to perform tricks to amuse humans.