2023 Student Leaders

School Leaders

Being the 2023 School Captain of Burwood East Primary School has been a gratifying experience. Working with my compassionate companion was always an opportunity to make a positive impact on the school community. This role isn’t just for a badge, it’s a role of leadership, commitment and responsibility. It is a chance to create a lasting legacy for the following generations to tag along, and influence them to enhance the school’s bequest. 


I am immensely grateful for all of the teachers, students and parents for their endless support. In contrast to the beginning of the year, I have developed a sense of confidence and feel assured that I can project my voice to the vast community. I would love to show gratitude to all the teachers who guided me to success throughout this extraordinary year. It has been a wonderful pleasure to lead this school as a BEPS School Captain 2023 and wish good fortune to future captains of this school.  - Lincoln

School Captain: Lincoln and Stephy
School Captain: Lincoln and Stephy

As the School Captain of 2023 it has been a pleasure and a great opportunity to plan assemblies with someone different and present every Monday. You get the responsibility and have an ongoing plan/ schedule. I had an amazing experience when being able to lead the school and express my thoughts. With this role you have responsibilities and commitments to follow. I am glad to have shown what I can do for the school and possibly influence the following leaders of this school.


I am sure that I have gained more confidence as I spoke in front of parents, students and teachers at every assembly. Two skills that I have improved are my confidence as I have spoken to many people at our school, and the other is that I have improved my voice. I know I can project my voice when speaking to loud crowds.


Thank you to all teachers and adults that supported the captains of 2023. I have evolved as a person and have loved every moment of this opportunity; they have helped me throughout all my journeys. - Stephy  

Red House Leaders 

Being a Red House Captain is a prestigious and rewarding role within our school community. It comes with a great sense of responsibility, leadership, and a deep connection to the house that represents your team spirit, determination, and pride. Red House is not just a colour; it's a symbol of unity and a passion for success.


As a Red House leader, Pragna and I must do the following:

  1. Team Building: You are responsible for fostering a sense of belonging and camaraderie among Red House members.
  2. Leadership: All Red House Captains are expected to be a role model to the younger children.
  3. Organising Events: Red House Captains play a crucial role in organising and leading house events and competitions. 
  4. House Spirit: You are the driving force behind the enthusiastic display of house spirit, and you have to show ALL of Red House that you are PROUD to be its captain. 

Being a Red House Captain is not just a title; it's a commitment to the values and traditions of your house, a dedication to fostering unity, and a promise to lead with integrity. It's a position that offers personal growth, the opportunity to make a positive impact on the school community, and the chance to leave a lasting legacy for future Red House members to follow. -Chi Hang T 


Being a Red House Captain means that Chi Hang and I have the responsibility to boost the morale of Red House, and show the responsibility to do all my designated jobs to keep all of the Red House at bay. The roles of a house captain is to feed the fish and turtles, bring out the bins, raise the flag and close the gates near the hall. I have gained a lot more confidence in public speaking and improving leadership. That is why I will sign up for more leadership roles in the future. It was a great honour to be a captain and I wish the future captains my best wishes.- Pragna D


Green House Leaders

With the role of the Green House Captain, I felt like I had a bigger responsibility. I felt more pushed to get to school early, and I knew that this was a good habit to take up. We had jobs like raising the flag, taking the bins out and feeding the turtles. We also helped with other events like Athletics, and they were really good opportunities to contribute to the school and the wider community. Getting the captain role was in fact not my goal. I took it as an opportunity to see my progress in society, and I think everyone else should too. 


🐢 Green House Captain is an amazing role to have. It's not just the badge but the responsibility and commitment to your role. Younger kids look up to you as a role model. As Green House Captain, Ryan and I had many jobs to do like feeding the turtles, raising the flag, opening the gates, putting out the bins and the list goes on! My favourite job was looking after the turtles because I got to pat and feed the turtles. We got to help with many events such as Athletics, Round Robin, and much more! To be Green House Captain was an amazing opportunity and if I could do it again I would!

Maheen and Ryan G
Maheen and Ryan G

Yellow House Leaders 

When you’re a house captain, the second you put on your badge you are presented with many responsibilities and opportunities. To some it may just be a role or just a badge, but during house events when you represent your house instead of the many people that were declined for the role, your level of maturity and responsibility deeply reflects on your house. Overall, it was a great experience and being a leader is a great opportunity if you were able to receive it. 

Ash and Abhishaey
Ash and Abhishaey

My favourite job was doing the flags, as it required the least amount of effort. - Ash


The best part of being a Yellow House Captain was feeding the turtles. The entire experience was amazing. - Abhishaey

Blue House Leaders 

My favourite job is probably going to be feeding the turtles, we got to pat them and of course feed them. The way they swim to their food is interesting. The rest of the jobs were also fun but not as fun as feeding the turtles. Another thing that was fun was Athletics. We got to make announcements and be as cheerful and loud as we wanted to encourage our blue house mates to win, and we also got to give out ribbons - Dina

Dina and Danny
Dina and Danny

Being a Blue House Captain takes time and experience to be able to work efficiently. You have to be passionate and determined to be able to do the jobs of a Blue House Captain and will push on your house during sports events and such, which is what I really liked about it because it makes me feel what it’s worth to be a house captain. -Danny 

Sports Leaders

Being a Sport Captain of 2023 for our community is one of the most phenomenal experiences that has occurred for me in my life. The role of a Sport Captain is not just for the title of leadership and fame, but the responsibility in your hands and the dedication to encourage BEPS and the students for a better environment. It has been a marvellous experience to work closely with our PE teacher, Scott, and to work out the personalities of others and use the combined strengths of ours to create a better community and atmosphere for all. The pleasures of being a leader lurk into the many, such as assisting and organising events such as round robin and athletics, and being able to have the thrilling opportunity to present the information at assembly. I want to show my gratitude to those who supported me throughout this exceptional journey and it has been a wonderful and valuable opportunity to incorporate and serve my ideas to the BEPS community.  - Ariana

Mayon and Ariana
Mayon and Ariana


I am the Sport Captain for 2023. During the year, I have assisted with organising sports events, helped place the bins around the school and putting the sports padding around the basketball poles. I enjoyed being one of the first to know about sports events and loved presenting the Student of the Week at assemblies. - Mayon

Visual Arts Leaders

Being an Art Captain of 2023 has been one of the most extravagant experiences out of my many years at BEPS. At least for me, having this responsibility in my life has made my personality and overall perspective on everything grow, change and make me a better person. I know I’ve become more confident and rather extroverted over my time in Year 6, from always speaking in assembly and learning from all the embarrassing mistakes I’ve made, I have moved on and grown from all this. So, I’m forever grateful to everyone who’s helped me this year but especially, Rochelle. She has been the most kind and understanding leader I could ever imagine. I'm aware that I’ve fallen behind in helping but she’s always there to support us and that has pushed me to try my best. For all I’ve said I know it still wont reach the level I know I owe to all these amazing people, but thank you so very much Rochelle and all the BEPS staff. I will remember this time of my life endlessly, Thank you again.- Annabelle

Stephanie and Annabelle
Stephanie and Annabelle

As 2023 Visual Arts Captain I have had many different funny, embarrassing and memorable experiences. I feel that with every experience and encounter I have grown and become not only a better leader, but a better person. I can’t describe how grateful I am to be able to fulfil this role and take on such important responsibilities, along with my companion and friend, Annabelle. It has been an honour to work with Rochelle and I have not only learned from this experience, but loved every minute of it. She always shows nothing but kindness and support and has taken me on an incredible journey I will remember forever. As a captain, I hope to make a difference in someone as this school has made a difference in me. Thank you again for all the countless memories I will never forget.-  Stephanie

Performing Arts Leaders

Being a Performing Arts Captain was such a magnificent experience. Having to set up assemblies, perform student of the weeks and also being able to help at concerts. The best thing about Performing Arts Captain was being a role model for everyone. Being a Performing Arts Captain also made me change my personality by increasing my responsibility and confidence. Overall, this was such a great experience being a Performing Arts Captain.-Max

Golnaz and Max
Golnaz and Max


As a Performing Arts Captain, I can safely say that having this role was the highlight of my experience during year six. Having this leadership role in my life was probably the most important part of it. I experienced many unforgettable moments during helping setting up at assemblies, presenting Student of the Week award, and playing a part in helping at concerts. I also loved helping students with their speeches. It’s amazing to be able to have such an important role in helping the students in this school. Well, that’s all I can say about that. Good luck, PA Captains of 2024! - Golnaz

Languages Leaders 

Being a Languages Captain has been one of the highlights of the year. The joy of being able to work with April was unforgettable. During this year, I have assisted April with a lot of things like setting up and packing up for Calligraphy, moving languages stuff for April and lots more. This year has really been the highlight of all my years at primary school. I really hope that next year’s Languages Captains will be as helpful as me and Annisa were.  - Amber

Amber and Annisa
Amber and Annisa

As a Languages Captain, we get to have multiple opportunities like presenting the ‘Mandarin Student Of The Week’, and helping her with the Calligraphy club every Tuesday. I have enjoyed doing my responsibilities and collaborating with the specialist teacher. I also had a time when April and Rochelle were working together, I was able to help them both and do what I might haven't been able to do. I am indeed grateful for getting to have this kind of opportunity to write about my feelings and what I love about this job. I didn’t want to get this captain just for the badge, but the responsibility of being one. It’s such a wonderful feeling to have since most of the people who applied for this position had missed out, and of course, it is the most precious opportunity of my entire life. All of my experiences and moments with April will be unforgettable, and forever memorable. - Annisa


STEM Leaders

Being a STEM captain, I had a lot of fun. We have to do what Luke tells us to do. We sometimes have to write newsletters. It was a great experience being a STEM captain. I am grateful for all the help I have had with this role, especially from Luke. This role has increased my responsibilities. Being a STEM captain has been a very enjoyable experience. - Anay

Anay and Ira
Anay and Ira

One of my fondest memories at BEPS was making my STEM Captain speech. I walked to the front of the room clumsily and stumbled on my own shoelaces (EMBARRASSING!). But when I got up there, I spoke with confidence and conviction, quite surprising since I was always considered the ‘quiet kid’. Being a STEM Captain helped me overcome my greatest fear - public speaking! I was never good at it and my class presentations were a running joke. But by regularly making announcements at assembly, it taught me responsibility and confidence. Bit by bit, I have developed immensely since the start of my journey at BEPS. But of course, the best part of being a STEM Captain was getting to skip class to write newsletters and run around the school to interview students! I offer my good wishes to the future STEM Captains of BEPS- Ira 


Inquiry Investigations Leaders

Being an Inquiry Captain provides you the opportunity to have a say in things and show what ideas you have to change around our learning areas. But along with the role, there are certain responsibilities that include going around the school premises and questioning students about what they would like to explore or absorb information about, asking about their learning criteria and enjoyments in relation to the topic, changing the boards outside the library each term and adding extra stuff like photos or pictures that year levels make, writing Buzz Articles and basically collaborating with different teachers and meeting their needs. The part I like the most is when we collect information, comments and feedback from students around the school because it helps improve and upgrade the lessons that the teachers teach, making it more entertaining for students and so learning in class is more focused. Overall, I have thoroughly enjoyed being the Inquiry Captain of 2023 and would like to thank all the teachers who supported and helped me. -Noree

Akein and Noree
Akein and Noree

Community Leaders

As a Community Captain, you are able to express how you would like to change schools. It also comes with many opportunities that can help the school become a better environment for everyone to love. Changing the sign boards located at the front of the school was a fun experience to be in charge of with my amazing partner, Shanaya. This role has given me a lot more confidence as I have grown throughout the year. This includes speaking in front of a big crowd, socialising more within my cohort, and making many more friends than I could ever imagine. In previous years, I’ve never been as extroverted as I am in year six, and I have really overcome the introverted side of myself. I love that our teachers really support us and push out our full potential to make this year our very best. It makes me more motivated to speak in front of many people every Monday. It is also very fun to express our ideas through events that we do for the school to enjoy. I would love to thank all the teachers who guided me throughout all my years here. It has been a great pleasure to serve as the BEPS Community Captain of 2023. - Sarah

Shanaya and Sara
Shanaya and Sara


My name is Shanaya (A.K.A Papaya) and I am the Community Captain for 2023, along with my partner Sarah. As a Community Captain, this role has most absolutely helped me develop my responsibility, confidence, and most predominantly my leadership skills. This is displayed when we have to say the Acknowledgements of Country loud and proud to the entire school, communicating with the BEPS community through the manual signs, and organising several events: Colour Fun Run, Cultural Diversity Week, and Harmony Day by synergising with the principals and teachers. Thank you for the teachers and principals who believed in me. - Shanaya


Eco Leaders 

This year, it has been a pleasure to be serving our school as one of the Eco Captains. It has been a wonderful experience being Eco Captain for 2023. Having this role gave me the opportunity to increase my confidence and leadership skills. Compared to the start of the year, I was really shy and when I had to talk in front of a crowd or do something in front of a lot of people, my stomach would drop and I felt so nervous. But towards the end of this year, if I had to talk in front of anyone, it became natural and I wouldn't feel nervous at all. Another thing that I enjoyed doing this year was planning assemblies for Mondays since I got to collaborate with the other captains and plan what we were going to say on the coming Monday. Thank you to Marseal who helped us through this role and giving us the opportunities to speak at assemblies. - Amelia

Amelia and Serena
Amelia and Serena

Throughout the year, it was a great experience to have this opportunity to be an Eco Captain. I enjoyed helping our school community become a better place. Having this role meant not only wearing a badge, but to benefit this school the best I can. I got the chance to improve my confidence, standing in front of a stage and doing a speech. This motivated me to get out of my comfort zone and try to be the best I can be. As part of Eco Captain, I got to change the electric board, present the trophies in assemblies and do the compost every week. This gave me one of the best memories in this school. Collaborating with the other captains improved my leadership skills, and I have the courage to share my thinking to contribute to the community. However, this role isn’t all about us. None of these things would have happened if the other students didn’t participate in tallying up nude food. I would like to thank the teachers who supported me to be Eco Captain and hope that the future Eco Captains would have the same amazing experience that I had.  - Serena




We are the very first Wellbeing Captains and it was very fun doing lots of tasks but my favourite part was speaking at assemblies because I love talking also you get to know more people because they know you. It’s very good being a Wellbeing Captain you don’t need to be a therapist to get this role you just have to be great.  - Evan A

Ella and Evan
Ella and Evan

I am the first female Wellbeing Captain. I had one of the best experiences of my life having this role. I got to raise awareness of sun safety and many more things. We got to do a lot behind the scenes. Evan, who was my partner in this amazing experience, was a funny one. Working with him was one of my favourite things that I got to do. Being a captain isn’t about being recognised or known throughout the school, but is about what you’ve done to make this school a better place. We have done so many activities together and made it fun and not all serious, which has made this experience one of the best memories I will always hold. For future wellbeing captains, please don’t make it all serious and don’t make a list for everything because if you plan everything, you won’t enjoy yourself (trust me, I did that) just enjoy your gift.       

P.S. Thanks Angela you’ve made this experience one of the best things in my life! :) - Ella S 

Remember to stay SunSmart!