BEPS Building

Goodbye to the Old, Welcome the New

After months of construction, disruptions and road blocks between 2022 - 2023 , the anticipation is coming to an end! 

Building B

In 2023 it was time to say goodbye to Building B after it's 44 years of service to the educational journey of students, teachers and the wider community. Built on the 13th of September, it's doors were officially closed on the same date 44 years later, bringing in the new chapter for Burwood East Primary School. 

Students celebrated their learning of symbolism and surrealism in Visual Arts by experiencing and experimenting with materials and surfaces. Students produced extraordinary artwork in the style of surrealism and symbolism on the walls, floors and windows of Building A. Enjoy some of the photos below. 

COLA- The new building 

It is thrilling to unveil the newest addition to our school — an innovative and multi purpose-built facility that promises to spark creativity and redefine the learning experience for our students. 


This building will house STEAM; STEM and Visual Art for students to immerse themselves in the fascinating experience of science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics through various engaging hands-on exploration and experimentation. All students will have the opportunity to shine their talents. In addition, the Hall has gone through a modernisation process to become the new learning space for Performing Art, PE, and has a huge outdoor covered space with supporting tiered seating to hold assembles and events.


How lucky are the Year 5 and 6 students of 2024, as they will be the first cohort moving into the new classrooms!