2SE - How to Improve the Classroom


Effiki: A cleaning robot to clean the floor. 

Georgia: I drew a classroom with lots of colourful pictures and I added some more chairs for the students to sit on. 

Esther: I drew a bigger classroom for more students, and colourful posters and wallpaper. 

Charlie: I drew a mini aquarium, and a games zone where you can chill out and play games when you finish your work. 


Annika: I drew a carpet where everybody sits on, a new whiteboard and some tables. 

Quinton: I added an arcade area with lots of games more laptops and more tables. 

Leah: I drew a new puppet and a tiny aquarium so it is more entertaining. 


Aaditya: I drew a classroom with toys and an extra learning room. 

Shreya: I drew a go kart, more laptops for everyone in the class so we don't need to borrow from other classes and a bookshelf with more books. 


Musa: I added some cleaning robots and a napping area and a pet barn so if you feel sad you can cuddle with the dogs and cats. 

Elaine: I want chocolate because I like it. 

Andy: I added toilets so you don't need to leave the classroom and taps. 

Evan: I drew a robot to clean rubbish on the ground. 

Idhika: I drew a classroom and inside it was a laptop trolley with extra laptops, a big bookshelf with books in it and a person putting rubbish in the bin. 
