FA - If I lived below water...

"I would be a turtle because they live in the sunlight zone." - Isabella

"I would be a shark because they have sharp teeth and fins." - Jadyn


"I would be a dolphin because they are in the sunlight zone." - Kenneth

"I would be a seahorse because it is cool and they have fins." - Mackenzie


"I would be a sea star because it can be any colour." - Joanna

"I would be a shark because they have very cool teeth and can eat fish." - Kiaan


"I would be a turtle because turtles live in the sunlight zone." - Yuelin

"I would be a dolphin because they are soft and can rocket through the water." - Chiara


"I would be a starfish because it looks cool, and pretty." - Riya

"I would be a shark because sharks are the king of the water." - Ibrahim


"I would be a turtle because I can be in a shell." - Juan

"I would be an axolotl!" - Alice


"I would be a dolphin because they are cute, and fast." Emily

"I would be a shark because it is a big animal and it catches fish." - Jeffrey


"I would be a shark because they have sharp teeth and they can hunt small fish." - Patrick

"I would be a turtle because I like to swim in the sunlight zone." - Lucile


"I would be a dolphin because they can jump." - Autumn

"I would be a shark!" - Ryan


"I would be a shark because I can eat whatever I like to eat." - Patrick

"I would be a dolphin because they jump up and down from the water." - Anika


"I would be an axolotl because they come in different colours." - Zac