Basketball Club 2023

Basketball Club is an engaging opportunity for students to refine their skills in a fun and supportive environment. The club runs once a week during lunchtime and aims to foster a love for the sport while developing abilities such as dribbling, shooting, passing and teamwork.


During the sessions, students have the chance to participate in various basketball drills that focus on different aspects of the game. One popular drill is the 1 on 1 drill, where players are paired up and take turns playing offence and defence against each other. This drill helps students develop their ability to get around defenders and create scoring opportunities.


Furthermore, the club organises mini-games and scrimmages to provide students with a chance to apply the skills they have learned in a game-like setting. These games not only allow students to practise their skills under pressure but also foster a sense of sportsmanship among the participants.


The Basketball Club will continue in 2024! We are also looking to include various year levels to partake in this club.


Student Quotes

I loved how it trained us to compete against our friends. It helped us practise different skills to play against each other. - Ryan G


I loved playing basketball with my friends and learning new skills in basketball. - Ethan A


I loved how we could learn new skills to use in a match against our friends. - Rhys


I love how it teaches us new skills and how we also play matches against my friends. - Ryan


I love how we get to do a game with everyone there. - Nadim


I loved the parts where we had matches because we had to play against each other in every match, and we learnt new skills in every match even though I missed out on one. - Sean


I liked how I learnt how to jab step and at the end we played a match to end it off. - James