
At Burwood East Primary School we are working hard to become more sustainable throughout our daily lives.

Compost and Gardening 

Every class has a compost bucket for students to place their fruit and vegetable scraps. Twice a week, the compost is collected from the classrooms by chosen monitors who then feed it to the chickens or put it in the compost bins to break down and use to grow our vegetables.

We are working on developing our garden to have produce that can be eaten and shared among students and our school community.

Gardening Club

In 2023, Gardening Club was once again a popular choice for students keen to connect with nature. 

Rubbish Collection and Recycling 

Every class is allocated one day in the term to go out and pick up rubbish from around the school. This ensures our school grounds are always rubbish free! 


Students in Year 5 collect the schools recycling every second Wednesday. They take big recycling boxes from the classrooms to collate rubbish to be taken out to the yellow bins, which go on the street for collection. 


Students enjoy being a part of this role because they like going into other classrooms and clearing their recycling, they feel that keeping the school clean is important and taking the bins out is a special role to have because it helps ensure our school recycling creates a cleaner environment.

Waste Warriors

At Burwood East Primary School, we continue to encourage students to take responsibility and be aware of the impact they have on our school environment. It is important to realise that they can make a difference in our community by making a conscious effort to clean up after themselves and pick up any rubbish they see on the ground, even if it is not their rubbish.


Teachers are always on the lookout for ‘Waste Warriors’ around the school. These students are the ones who take initiative by collecting rubbish around the school, being role models to others and are celebrated in the fortnightly Buzz newsletter.

In 2023, we proudly and excitedly introduced the new Waste Warrior Mascot for BEPS, created by Sebastian C (4B), alongside the logo by Luca G (5K).

Sebastian C
Luca and Seb
Luca G
Sebastian C
Luca and Seb
Luca G

Nude Food Everyday

Nude Food has become a large focus at BEPS as it encourages students to be environmentally friendly. Nude Food is food without excess packaging. This reduces the amount of rubbish that needs to go in bins to be sent to landfill. Durable, reusable containers are a great way to bring food to school.

By using reusable containers, we reduce the rubbish we bring to the school. Students keep a tally in their classrooms of how many students bring a rubbish-free snack and lunch. The total every week is then collated over the term. At the end of the term, one class from Years F-2 and one from Years 3-6 win a trophy to keep in their classroom for the whole term! 


The Nude Food trophies were created by creative students from Year 4 and Year 6.