Foundation 2023 Highlights

First Week of School

What an adventure the Foundation students have embarked on in 2023! In their first week at BEPS, the students adapted seamlessly to the routines of school life.

Chesterfield Farm

On Monday the 8th of May, the Foundation students visited Chesterfield Farm as part of our Inquiry unit. During this term, the students learnt about being responsible consumers and producers. We discovered that farms produce a lot of things that we use every day.

Earth Crusaders Incursion

On Friday the 18th of August, the Foundation students engaged in a range of interactive activities that explored ‘eco friendly’ choices. Students used ‘Patternation’ jigsaws with a partner to design the use of renewable energy to run cities. To further develop their understanding of healthy food choices and sustainable gardening, the Foundations visually created a food mile journey to show how far food travels before it makes it to our tables. Finally, students planted their own lettuce seeds to take home in biodegradable pots.

100 Days of School

Foundation celebrated their 100 days of school on Monday the 31st of August. The day started with a whole-school celebration parade, where the Foundation students strutted and danced their way around the blue courts whilst the school community cheered them on. 


Throughout the day, students became authors and created their own 100 Days of School picture book, where we found out many things the students would love to have 100 of. We explored counting strategies, using playdough splat to count to 100, sharing objects equally and creating collections to 100. To end the day, we decorated our celebratory crowns. It was a day to remember!

Excursion to CERES

On Tuesday the 3rd of October our Foundation classes went to CERES, an environmental education centre in Brunswick East. They learnt about how living things need food, shelter and water, as well as water ecosystems, Indigenous connections to land and waterways, and using natural clay to create seed balls.

Teddy Bear Picnic

On Friday the 24th of November, the Foundation and Year 4 students ventured across Blackburn Road to Highbury Park for our Teddy Bear Picnic. The students participated in pass the parcel, a scavenger hunt and making bear crowns. Students happily roamed around the park, radiating excitement and joy.

Firefighter Visit

Firefighter Scott, Firefighter Tony and Firefighter Jake came to BEPS for two lessons over two weeks. The firefighters educated students on ‘Good Fires’ and ‘Bad Fires’.  We learnt that if there is a fire, to get to our safe meeting place: “Get Down Low and Go, Go Go!”


During the second visit, the fire truck arrived! The Foundations had a go at spraying water with the giant hose and experienced what it was like to put out a fire, with the help of Firefighter Scott. Firefighter Tony gave a wonderful tour of the Firetruck and the equipment used when an emergency occurs in the community. A fabulous way to wrap up Fire Ed!

Good Luck Foundation of 2023!

We are so proud of the incredible, amazing and hard work you have done this whole year! We can't wait to see all the great things you will achieve in Year 1!

Nadia, Abbey and Jackie