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Cecil Hills High School Newsletter
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Cecil Hills High School Newsletter
Respectful, Responsible, Successful
Issue 5
03 Jun 2022
In this issue
Excellence and opportunity begin here
Celebrating Success, Semester One Reports, Parent Information Session, 'Which Way Now' - upcoming event, Keeping safe this Winter
Careers and Transition
Construction White Card training for our future tradies, Future in Focus, A special thanks to our wonderful Year 11 Hospitality students (and their fabulous teachers) who catered for this event!, Earn while you learn! School based apprenticeships, Greater Western Sydney Careers Market
Innovative classes in Year 8
That's Show Business and Survivor - Together
Learning beyond the classroom
Year 11 SBAT Presentation, Life Ready - Year 11, High Potential and Gifted Education (HPGE) Tournament of the Minds
Great learning and laughter experienced here
Year 10, Important dates for Year 10, Football Success!, Future in Focus Day
A lesson in gratitude
Thank you
SRC's outdoor learning
Year 10
In our Support Unit
The Purple Class Paper Engineers, Shining Stars, Come and Try - Athletics Carnival
Fish gutting experience
Year 9 Marine Studies
Welcome to our Library
Premier's Reading Challenge, Lunch time in the Library
Opens Boys Touch Football
A puzzling trip to Ancient Egypt
Year 7 History: A puzzling trip to Ancient Egypt
Outstanding success for Year 9
Twilight success, Superstar Sadeer!, Year 9 Tuesday Sport
Visual Arts
Year 9 and Year 10 Visual Arts Excursion
In our community
Staying safe online, Liverpool City Library, Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre
School Uniform shop
School Uniform Price update, Purchasing school uniforms online?, Uniform Shop enquiries and in-store opening times, In-store purchasing
Class of 2021 - Life after school -
Featuring Rosalind Sou
Staff Spotlight
Tell us a little about yourself, How long have you been teaching and what do you teach? , Other roles at school , Previous schools you worked at?, Where did you attend high school?, What do you like to do when you aren't working?, What's a fun fact about you many people may not know?, Your favourite movie?, How do you define success?, What advice can you give students?
Flashback Friday
When I finished my Higher School Certificate, What I'm doing now, Some of my achievements, Memories from school, My contact info
Published by
Cecil Hills High School
Newsletter Archive
Excellence and opportunity begin here
Celebrating Success, Semester One Reports, Parent Information Session, 'Which Way Now' - upcoming event, Keeping safe this Winter
Cover Page