A puzzling trip to Ancient Egypt

Year 7 History: A puzzling trip to Ancient Egypt
Puzzles, anagrams, pharaohs, a living God, hieroglyphics, and hidden treasures. This event lesson had it all.
This week, Year 7 had the pleasure of engaging in an eight-level escape room-style treasure hunt to close out our unit of work on Ancient Egypt.
Throughout their journey, Year 7 used their collaborative and problem-solving skills as well as their knowledge of Ancient Egypt to solve eight consecutive puzzles, which tested both their numeracy and literacy skills.
Year 7 successfully consolidated their learnings for this unit by completing the treasure hunt and unlocking Ramesses the Great’s treasure chest as a class in just thirty minutes.
We would like to thank Ms. Carter for her attendance and taking up the role of Nefertari in the final level of the treasure hunt.
Hear from our Year 7 as they tell us about what they enjoyed the most during the lesson:
“I enjoyed working with my friends and classmates to solve problems.” Ashley Le
“I loved how my friends and I were able to work together to accomplish a common goal. I appreciated how were able to put our knowledge together to complete all the tasks and puzzles in the treasure hunt.” Tobin Tiju
“I enjoyed the competitiveness of the game. I enjoy competing with and against my friends.” Ti’jay Nualsaengsy
“I loved the adrenaline that comes with solving all the puzzles.” Palita Saengphachanh
“I loved the mystery behind each puzzle.” Rianna Georgis
Mr F Floresca
History Teacher