Cecil Hills High School Newsletter

Respectful, Responsible, Successful

Issue 6 · 25 Jun 2021

In this issue

Another great term of teaching and learning 25th Anniversary – Save The Date, Year 12 and Assessments, Elevate Education, New Deputy Principal, School Upgrade, Holiday Homework, Parent Information Sessions
Respectful, Responsible, Successful Congratulations Year 7 students joining the SRC for 2021, Arabic-Speaking Parents Meetings, Year 12 prepare for the Trial HSC Examinations, School holidays
Successful initiatives for Year 10 students Timber in Connect, Big History
Students realising their full potential Year 11, Year 8
Celebrating Refugee Week The way forward
Year 10 Food Technology
Trades and Industries
Street Art Year 8 Street Art Mural excursion
Art pathways for Year 7
Creative Adaptations Handmails Tale and V for Vendetta
Food Technology in the Support Unit
Heroes with Ability Here's Marco Quintao's story
Teamwork success for STEM students
Exploring job opportunities Year 12 Work Studies
Girls Knockout Basketball
Our Volleyball tournament The Girls' team, Some highlights were:, The Boys' team
Charity initiative by Year 9
Vending machine revamp
Staff Spotlight Tell us your name and how long you've been at Cecil, How long have you been teaching and what subjects do you teach , Your roles and what they entail, Have you taught at other schools? If so, what did you teach?, Where did you attend school?, What do you like doing when you aren't working?, Who are your favourite sports teams?, Do you have a favourite quote , How about your favourite movie?, How do you define success?, What advice can you give students? , If given a chance, who would you like to be for a day?, Any random facts you wish to share? or special memories?, If Hollywood made a movie about you, who would you like to see cast as you?
Flashback Friday My journey
Term 3 Term 3, Week 1, Term 3, Week 2, Term 3

Published by Cecil Hills High School