Trades and Industries

Cecil Hills High School’s Careers Team has organised a series of talks and presentations by people from a variety of trades and industries. The purpose of these talks is to present students with the opportunity to hear from professionals in careers they wish to pursue, ask questions to improve their career knowledge and open their minds to the many possibilities available to students entering the workforce.


On Thursday 17 June 2021, students from Years 9, 10, and 12 had the opportunity to attend a talk about building and construction. Robert Tleige, an experienced licensed builder from the local area who owns MACH Constructions, presented a highly engaging talk to students about his career journey, starting a business, and the variety of trades and skills one can learn through a career in building and construction. Students had the opportunity to ask questions and pick Robert’s brain about all things building and construction, an opportunity they enthusiastically took up. In addition to sharing his wisdom and expertise, Robert also shared a photo presentation of a recent residential home project – from a knockdown to rebuild. This really made students think about all the career possibilities available in building and construction.


 The key lessons presented to students were:

  • Be persistent and commit to your aspirations
  • Have a go; and then if a career is not for you, at least you tried
  • Take on work experience, ask questions and be open to learning.

The Careers Team is very grateful to Robert and MACH Constructions for the time taken out of his day to give back to the local community through our students. These talks provide enormous value to our students in both their career development and self-awareness. We encourage all students to attend the talks that interest them as they arise, and to keep in touch with the Careers Team with any questions about work experience and careers.


G Alfonsi & N Chambour

on behalf of the Careers Team

G Alfonsi
N Chambour
G Alfonsi
N Chambour