Our Volleyball tournament

Earlier this month, Cecil Hills High School was proud to send two teams to represent the NSW Volleyball tournament.  Held over one long day and four intense matches each, our Open Girls' team and senior Year 12 Boys team faced some of their toughest competition yet. 

The Girls' team

The girls' team went up against Pymble Ladies College (1:2), St Scholastica's (3:0), Ryde (0:3), and North Sydney Girls (3:0). They played amazingly well to steal a set of Pymble Ladies College (who came first in their groups last year) and won with straight sets against much more experienced teams. 

Some highlights were:

Vivian Cao's and Fiona Dang's amazing serves and dogged tenacity, Cisem Kolac's consistent sets, and Paige Tran's vocal chords! 

The Boys' team

The boys' team went up against the strong opponents of Girraween, Rose Bay, Carlingford and Tempe High Schools. Although they were unable to take a set, many of them were extremely close! The boys' strong teamwork and perseverance kept them playing until the very last play. 


Cecil Hills High School congratulates both teams on their efforts during the tournament. We look forward to their future games, each better and more exciting than the last!






John Hong

Volleyball team coordinator

Science Teacher