Students realising their full potential

Year 11

Congratulations to Year 11 who have made it to the end of another action-packed term! They are now two-thirds of the way through their preliminary courses and it has been very pleasing to see the progress and the great achievements that were evident in the Semester 1 reports. It is important that all students reflect on these reports and set goals for the term ahead in order to continue to lay the foundations for a successful HSC year.




At assemblies this term, Mr Evans has spoken often about “big rocks” and “little rocks”; taking care of the important things in life before filling it with all of the other things that we enjoy doing. 


During the last few weeks, there have been plenty of big rocks to take care of.  Hopefully, during the next two weeks, Year 11 can tidy up any loose ends, get study notes up to date and take some to focus on the little rocks by enjoying some time doing the things that they enjoy.


Year 8

It has been another fantastic term for Year 8 and it was a privilege to be able to hand out a huge stack of attendance and recognition awards at our assembly on Tuesday. These awards recognise the great work that has been happening in classrooms and it was pleasing to read so many fantastic reports. Well done on a great term Year 8.



For the first three weeks of Term 3, Mr Wilcox will be on leave and Mr King will be helping Miss Cupac look after Year 8.  


Mr King
Mr King


Mr King already knows many of the Year 8 students and parents, so we welcome his addition to the team in this role!







Have a safe and enjoyable holiday everyone and see you in Term 3!​


Michael Lane

Deputy Principal - Year 8 and Year 11