Northern Bay College Newsletter
Growth | Collaboration | Persistence | Kindness
Issue 22 · 19 Dec 2022
In this issue
The Principal Highlights of 2022
Reflecting on 2022, COLLABORATION - Open Doors @ NBC, COLLABORATION - Whole School Review 2022, PERSISTENCE - Campfire Conversations, Collaboration: Extended School Day, COLLABORATION - NAIDOC Week Assemblies, GROWTH - Inaugural Student Wellbeing Camp , GROWTH - VCAL Upgrade @ Staughton Vale, COLLABORATION - The Victorian State School Spectacular, COLLABORATION - IMPACT CAMP, GROWTH - Inspiring Stories , Collaboration - NBC Track Club, Kindness - The Hands on Learning Team, GROWTH - Year 7 2023, GROWTH - 2023 College Captaincy, GROWTH - 2022 Art, Design and Technology Showcase, COLLABORATION – Saturday Homework Club
Our students on Show
African Drumming, When summer was around, Victorian Premiers Reading Challenge, School Based Apprenticeships, Out and About Again, Welcome back to on site!, Persistence through the Arts, Employability Skills, Year 3/4, Highlighting Preps - Werribee Zoo, State School Spectacular 2022, Halloween Activities at the Kindergarten, GROWTH - Year 7 2023, Out of the classroom , YEAR 6 LIGHTNING PREMIERSHIPS, 3/4 PROFESSOR BUNSEN INCURSION, Our students at Federation Square
Whats New
New Venture, The Geelong 'Gift' - Northern Bay College Race!, New Values, 2022 Our Values, New Trees, Planting Trees for the Queens Jubilee, New Cafe, Schoolyard Beans , New Camp Feature, Mini Golf Project at SVOEC, New Camp, Inaugural Student Wellbeing Camp , New Initiative, Melbourne Arts Camp, New Look, Cricket Tops from the Lords Taverners Geelong, New Garden, Indigenous Garden and Yarning Circle, New Resource, NBC OurSchool Alumni, New Annual Competition, Refugee Week Art and Writing Competition, NEW FUNDING, SATURDAY HOMEWORK CLUB, COLLABORATION – Saturday Homework Club
Ascend IMPACT, Year 9 IMPACT, Year 7/8 -IMPACT ASCEND, Celebration Day, IMPACT Radio Show, State School Spectacular 2022, Melbourne Arts Camp
The return to CAMPING
Inaugural Student Wellbeing Camp , Year 12 Camp, Year 5 Camp, SNOW CAMP - Senior students, Year 4 Camp, Melbourne Arts Camp
2022 in HARMONY
Refugee Week Art and Writing Competition, SATURDAY HOMEWORK CLUB, COLLABORATION – Saturday Homework Club, Merry Christmas from Many Cultures
Secondary Traders@Work
The SEED continues to GROW
The Geelong 'Gift' - Northern Bay College Race!, 2022, What did the students think?, Volleyball Success, Some of 2022 Teams, Australian Cricket Coach visits NBC, The 7/8 ASCEND SEED SQUAD, YEAR 6 LIGHTNING PREMIERSHIPS, Cricket , SEEDLINGS, The SEED Track Club, SEED Video
Special Events
International Women’s Day, Student Leadership Summit in Sydney, BOOKWEEK 2022, Geelong Schools’ Music and Movement Festival. , Australian Cricket Coach visits NBC, RUOK? Day 2022, Geelong Schools’ Music and Movement Festival, Halloween Activities at the Kindergarten, GROWTH - The Year 6 Scholarship , CELEBRATION DAY AND GRADUATION DINNER, Then on 1 December, Halloween at the Family Learning Centre, Prep 100 Days
Our look at the Stages of Learning launches
Year 3-6 Video, Year 7 to 9 preview (Voice over still to come on Final l version), Senior Years 10 -12
The Goldsworthy Rebuild
GROWTH - Goldsworthy Building project, PERSISTENCE - Goldsworthy Build
Celebrating Outcomes and new Eras.
Year 9-12 Major Awards, GOOD Luck
First Nations Education
Koorie Aspirations Day, ‘Believe, Achieve and Succeed’. , Djila-Tjarri Yerran, Classroom work on Culture and Understanding, Short Black Opera, Campfire Conversations, GROWTH - Polly Farmer Foundation - Dare to Dream, Koorie Cultural Walk , Indigenous Garden and Yarning Circle
From the Wellbeing Team
The Alumni
NBC OurSchool Alumni, NBC Alumni discuss their journey with our Year 9s., 2022 NBC Alumni Wrap-up , Looking forward to 2023, There are lots of ways to support our Alumni program.
Holiday activities
Their Care Holiday Program
Published by Northern Bay p-12 College