Blackburn High School Newsletter 2024

Respect, Pursuit of Excellence, Citizenship 

Issue 2 · 28 Jun 2024

In this issue

Principal's Report Student Excellence, Robotics Competition, Primary School Links, VR Innovation 
Freeman House Captain Term Reflection , Camp Reflections  
Melba Year 7 Camp  , Melba - Student Sporting Achievements 
Yearbook Cover Competition 2024  This years theme is: , "STEM INSPIRES CREATIVITY AND CURIOSITY”, Time to put on your thinking caps!, Happy Creating!
Student Achievements School Sport Victoria State Diving Finalists and State Champion , Rugby Victoria , Jack H – Year 9 (Melba) , Ignatius C – Year 9 Freeman , Hannah C – Year 10 Melba  , Unit 1 and Year 10 Exams - Term 2 - Week 9
Duke of Edinburgh
Interschool Chess Tournament   Congratulations to our top 3 players:
Year 7 Camp Freeman and Melba House, Dunlop and Hollows House 
Year 10 - Positive Futures Program  Student Comments:
Year 12 Formal
Year 12 Literacy Year 12 Literacy Class Visits Old Orchard Primary School
Pathways and Careers  Highlights of the event
Art Cat with Red Fish - Year 8 Art
Connections Excursion 
Food Studies Year 9 - 'Use It Up' Pizzas 
House Athletics Carnival 
Lunchtime Clubs 
Languages EP Language Championships, Open Afternoon, Year 7HB Arbre Genealogique
Carnival Sports Whitehorse Division Cross Country , Blackburn High School Team Placings 
Interschool Sport - Term 2 Baseball, Netball, AFL, Soccer, Badminton, Year 7 Boys AFL Whitehorse District , Year 8 Boys AFL Whitehorse District , Year 9/10 Intermediate Boys AFL Whitehorse District, Senior Boys AFL Whitehorse District, Year 9 Sport Education