
Term 2

At the end of Term 1 our students competed in the Blackburn High School Athletics Carnival. Despite their enthusiastic participation, we were unable to make it three in a row after our successes in both 2022 and 2023. Congratulations to Freeman for their success.  


The short and busy Term 1 has been followed by an equally busy Term 2 for the Blackburn High School community.  The Melba House mentor teachers have done a wonderful job checking in with their students and delivering an action-packed mentor program consisting of Study Skills Sessions, Interhouse Competitions and Fun Friday Activities. Students and parents are reminded that the mentor teacher is the first point of contact at the school.  


It has been great to see so many Melba House students participating in a range of extra-curricular events including the Year 7 camp, Generations in Jazz camp, inter-school sport, cross country carnival and house fundraisers. A number of Melba students have achieved sporting success outside of Blackburn High School and we recently recognised their endeavours at the Melba House Assembly. 


Students in Years 9, 10 and 11 have completed a range of examinations during weeks 8 and 9 this term.  This experience will prepare them for their exams in future years.

Year 7 Camp  

The Year 7 Melba House students attended the YMCA Lake Dewar Lodge camp with Freeman House students from April 29th to May 1st. The camp provided students with the opportunity to experience a range of physical activities including stand-up paddle-boarding, mountain-biking, zip-lining and the magnificent gorge walk. It was fantastic to see the students challenging themselves and making new connections. 


Thank you to the Melba staff who attended the camp and shared this experience with the students.  

Melba - Student Sporting Achievements 

Hannah C – participation in National Golfing Tournament  

Jack H – selection to the U15 School Sports Victoria U15 Volleyball Team 

Benjamin W – selected to represent Victoria as part of the U15 Rugby Union Boys Squad