
Term 2

Since our last newsletter, we have acknowledged and awarded the badges to our Dunlop Student Leaders for 2024.

We are fortunate to have such wonderful young emerging leaders to work with. They will be the driving force behind our Dunlop fundraiser which will take place in the last week of term 2. The students are already brainstorming ideas and are working on ways in which we can raise much needed funds for the Weary Dunlop Foundation


In week 3 of this term, we had the exciting opportunity to attend Lake Dewar for the Year 7 Camp. The Dunlop students shared the experience with the Hollows Year 7 students. 


It was a fantastic opportunity to form new friendships and participate in activities that required teamwork and took the students out of their comfort zone. 


The students were able to experience stand up paddle boarding, mountain biking, a flying fox over the gorge, kayaking, tunnelling and a gorge walk. 



Holly Trainor, the Dunlop House Captain, has been a driving force behind the success Dunlop has experienced so far in 2024. The Dunlop House Leadership Team would like to thank Holly for the initiative she has shown in her leadership role so far.


Holly would like to share the following with our Dunlop community - 


Semester 1 has so far presented Dunlop House with opportunities to participate in sports, art, culture and national events that I’m proud to say every student has been involved with. 


Starting off the year with an amazing win at House Performing Arts with “Alice In Wonderland”, the House’s passion and pride for the arts was intensified by the teamwork and leadership of the students involved. 


Fast forward to Term 2, and the whole school ANZAC Day assembly was once again a respectful commemoration of the sacrifices made by the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps. 

Chairman of the Weary Dunlop Foundation, Mr. Winther, spoke of Dunlop House’s namesake, Weary Dunlop, and provided reflections on our school values. 


In addition to the ANZAC Day assembly, Dunlop House hosted their first ANZAC Appeal fundraising stall, raising $200 for our local Blackburn RSL and their returned veterans and families in addition to the ANZAC Day assembly. Thank you to all those who donated. 


And finally, Dunlop House has their annual House Fundraiser Day this week to finish off the Term!   


Very nice work to everyone who participated in school events this Semester – Go Dunlop!


Shona Perrin - Dunlop House Leader