Global Learners And Leaders Exceeding Expectations

Issue 8 · 07 Jun 2024

In this issue

Diary Dates Term 2, 2024, Term 3, 2024
School Captains
Principal's Message Student Toilets, National Reconciliation Week, Anti-racism at ENPS, Kinder Visits and 2025 Foundation Enrolments , Staffing Update, Semester One Reports and Parent Teacher Interviews
National Sorry Day and National Reconciliation Week
IB Learner Profile Attributes Year One Teaching Team: Open-Minded
ENPS Trivia Night
Wellbeing @ ENPS Supporting Staff Wellbeing: A Fun-Filled Afternoon for our Staff
Foundation Super Science Incursion!
Year One National Reconciliation Week 
Year Two
Year Three
Year Six Movie Shoes , Process , Advert, Script / Presentation, Voted Best
Green Team
Physical Education and Sport Primary School 3xCup , Divisional Cross Country Event, Year Six Interschool Sports , Sport Education – 2024 School Sport Victoria Dates, ENPS Upcoming Events
Performing Arts
Health and Wellbeing 
Visual Arts Art as Therapy - Caring for our Wellbeing by Being Creative
Beyond the Bell Bebras Round One Results, Science Talent Search Update, Would you like a challenge? Competitions for 2024
Write to a Paralympian: Share Your Encouragement and Curiosity!
UMatter Winter Positivity, School-wide Positive Behaviours
Andrew Nunns School of Music Reminder for the holidays!!!
Student of the Week Week 6, Term 2, Week 7, Term 2
TeamKids Latest News, Winter Holiday Program
Road Safety Moonee Valley City Council – Better Moves Around Schools
Camps, Sports and Excursions Funding (CSEF)
Strathmore Heights Netball Club

Published by Essendon North Primary School