Visual Arts

Art as Therapy - Caring for our Wellbeing by Being Creative

Last Wednesday, some of us ENPS staff got together to enjoy a little creative time for our wellbeing. The wooden poles in the inclusive playground were the targets for our creativity. With art smocks on, paint brushes at the ready and plenty of free flowing paints, we got creative - and the results were fabulous. It was loads of fun and the results are amazing. There were gasps of amazement when the students arrived the following morning. 


It may not surprise you but many people now regard making art to be a form of therapy. Researchers now cite reasons to do art therapy: it relieves stress and anxiety, boosts self-esteem and confidence, uplifts mood, becomes more self-aware, processes emotions, and supports mental health.


It turns out there's a lot happening in our minds and bodies when we make art.

"Creativity in and of itself is important for remaining healthy, remaining connected to yourself and connected to the world." 

- Christianne Strang, a professor of neuroscience at the University of Alabama Birmingham.

This is true for any type of visual creative expression: drawing, painting, collaging, sculpting clay, writing poetry, cake decorating, knitting, scrapbooking - the sky's the limit. So the next time you feel you need a little wellness for yourself… try a little art therapy.


Nicki Myszka

Visual Arts Teacher

Nicki Myszka, Visual Arts Teacher
Nicki Myszka, Visual Arts Teacher