
Super Science Incursion!

During our current unit of inquiry students have been exploring the central idea; 'Senses help us explore the world’, through the transdisciplinary theme; 'How the world works'. As part of this learning, students participated in a ‘Super Science’ incursion, facilitated by the amazing team at Labcoat Learning.


Students took part in an hour-long workshop where they engaged in a variety of experiments to develop scientific understandings and inquiry skills. The experiments included learning about dry ice, creating elephant’s toothpaste, blowing giant bubbles, making slime and making exploding bags - they were so loud!


Experimenting is the perfect way to explore scientific inquiry and cause and effect, our students were fantastic inquirers and scientists!


Ainslie McArthur, Samantha Hanks, Lana Harris and Macalie Vlah 

The Foundation Teaching Team