Year Three

During the past few weeks in Year Three, the students have had the opportunity to learn about the oldest living culture on the planet. 


We commemorated Sorry Day by reflecting on the sad and painful stories of the Stolen Generations that affected our First Nations People. We discussed the Stolen Generation and the effects this and colonisation has had on Torres Strait Islander and Aboriginal people. The students read a book called ‘Sorry Day’, written by Coral Vas and created their own summary of what it meant to them. 


Last week during National Reconciliation Week, students learned the importance of reconciliation. During reading sessions students were provided with learning opportunities to listen to and read a variety of stories: ‘Black Fella White Fella’, ‘Two Mates’, ‘The Lost Girl and ‘My Culture and Me’, reflecting on the importance of being caring and inclusive to everyone. Also, these mentor books enabled students to make text to selftext to text and text to world connections and deepened students' understanding about the different texts and the writers' messages.


We also read the book ‘Welcome to Country’, and students then created and designed their own personal Acknowledgement of Country, with a few lucky students sharing theirs at assembly last Friday. These Acknowledgements of Country are displayed in learning spaces and read every morning by the students at the beginning of each day, showing an awareness and respect for Traditional Owners and the continuing connection of Aboriginal and Torres Strait people.


Lisa Do, Sharon McWhinney, Kellie Oxlade and James Reid

The Year Three Teaching Team