ENPS Trivia Night

Friday 26th July, 6:30pm till late - Tickets on sale Monday 17th June

Thank you all those who have already donated great items, vouchers and cash to purchase Trivia Night prizes with. We are still on the hunt for a major auction item or alternatively, donations in the form of cash so we can purchase some accommodation for you to bid on! We are accepting donations up until the last day of this term.


Tickets to this amazing fundraiser will go on sale Monday 17th June at 9:00am so get your crew together and start planning your costumes!


 As we count down to the event, here's this week's trivia question:


Question - Roughly how long does it take for the sun’s light to reach Earth: 8 minutes, 8 hours or 8 days? (answer at bottom of page)


Thank you for your support! 


The ENPS Community Engagement Team



Answer - 8 minutes