Out of the Box

Respect - Growth - Creativity - Resilience

Term 3 Week 10, 2024 · 18 Sep 2024

In this issue

Principal report Term 3 morning tea with Year 7-9 parents & carers, Celebrating student strengths, Attitudes to School Student Survey 2024, SRC garden opening - smoking ceremony, Increasing student numbers and our new triple-storey modular building
Key upcoming dates
Child safety & wellbeing at BHHS Information for families and the school community
New school uniform supplier
Upcoming events to celebrate Year 12 Practice Exam Timetable 2024
School Saving Bonus Actions for parents and carers 
Government school parent roundtable RSVP
Junior School - Term 3 update Cyber Safety Project , Enhancing Junior School Student Engagement , Year 7 Student Reflection – Vaahin 7H , Year 8 Reflection –  Samuel D 8F , Year 8 camp at The Summit  , Final Words , Parent Volunteer & a Regional Win!
Diverse community engagement - Junior School
Middle School - Term 3 update Year 10 Highlights, Year 9 events
Year 9 update Cheesecake Designs!
Year 10 update Year 10 Program
Wellbeing update Wear it Purple Day , Body Awareness Week , R U Ok? Day , Parent Hub @ The Resilience Project
Languages update PASCH Scholarship, German Poetry Competition  , Chinese Incursion  
Indigenous garden and yarning circle Opening and Cleansing Ceremony
Talent Show 2024
Library news Reading is Magic – Book Month Celebrations!   , Write a Book in a Day  , Children’s Book Council Awards (CBCA) Shadow Judges , Author Visit – Angela Crawford , Baby Beanies  
Sporting achievements Year 8 Girls Badminton , State Senior Boys Netball, Division Athletics Report
Lunchtime Futsal championships
Hay fever season is approaching! Signs and symptoms of hay fever  , Treatment  , For more information  
Sustainability Club news
Join the BHHS Alumni! BHHS Alumni
News from School Council
Join us on social media
Community events & activities

Published by Box Hill High School