Diverse community engagement - Junior School

by Ms Minnie Zeng, Assistant Coordinator

On 3 August, Junior School organised a parent information afternoon to our diverse community. A range of workshops were held to support new members to the school and EAL families. 


Mr Michael Oaten first welcomed all the parents attending the event, then stated the agenda for the afternoon. EAL Support Coordinator Ms Tina Pitruzzello and Multicultural Aide, Ms May Kher, explained how EAL courses are delivered and answered some frequently asked questions, such as the eligibility of the VCE EAL program and some strategies to improve literacy. 


In the IT support session, our IT manager, Mr Jason Yong and I demonstrated and facilitated parents on how to access Compass to track attendances, learning tasks and reports. 


Our International Coordinator, Mr Darren Yap gave advice about how non-English speaking families may support the students to learn challenging subjects at home. 


Lastly our Head of Junior School, Mr Nicholas Barca, ended the afternoon and thanked all the attendees and staff. 


We had a successful and effective afternoon. Many parents expressed their gratitude after the workshops, some of whom were unfamiliar with using Compass. They were extremely pleased about how the afternoon turned out and were content with the information presented by Junior School.