Child safety & wellbeing at BHHS

by Mr Michael Oaten, Assistant Principal

Information for families and the school community


Box Hill High School is committed to providing an environment where students are safe and feel safe. 


Our child safety framework explains how we support and maintain child safety and wellbeing at Box Hill High School. It includes our: 

  • Child Safety and Wellbeing Policy 
  • Child Safety Reporting and Responding Obligations Procedures, and 
  • Child Safety Code of Conduct, which outlines acceptable and unacceptable behaviours for all staff and volunteers at our school. 

The suite of Child Safe policies have recently been updated and ratified at School Council. The latest versions of these policies, along with other Child Safe policies, can be located on our school website.


Our students and families are important partners in providing a child safe environment. This newsletter reminder is one of the ways we ensure our school community is aware of: 

  • our commitment to child safety, and  
  • how to provide feedback or raise child safety concerns. 

If you have any concerns about child safety at any time, please contact a member of the Principal Class team (Principal Kellie Ind, Assistant Principals Michael Oaten, Shareen Bottrell, Greg Breese), or alternatively our Child Safe Champion and Head of Student Wellbeing, Felicity Shiel-Jones. Any child safety complaints or concerns are treated seriously. For more information about our school’s complaints process, see our Complaints Policy


We also welcome your ideas on ways we can improve our approach to child safety and wellbeing. If you have any suggestions or comments, please contact Assistant Principal Michael Oaten on 9877 1177 or email: