Principal report
by Ms Kellie Ind
Principal report
by Ms Kellie Ind
A busy Term 3 draws to a close and I can see staff and students need a restorative break – especially our Year 7 students who may be feeling tired from their first year in high school! Our Year 12 students are also completing their course works and final assessments - and realising that this is an important time to develop a study plan that enables them to effectively prepare for exams. We are doing many things to support their study and wellbeing, with very experienced sub-school, wellbeing, careers and VCE teacher teams to provide guidance.
Some of the events that I enjoyed being part of this term included the wonderfully popular School Talent Show, the Spring Concert at the Box Hill Town Hall, the opening of the new SRC Garden and outdoor teaching and learning space, and our first Year 7-Year 9 Parent morning tea on teaching and learning at Box Hill High School.
If you haven’t joined up to the school social media on Instagram or Facebook, I encourage you to do so – there are regular updates on what is happening with students around the school throughout the term!
The annual School Talent Show – packed hall for each heat and the final
This term we hosted our first Year 7-9 parent & carer morning tea to provide an opportunity for our families to hear more about the teaching and learning practices in the school and to ask questions. Over 60 parents attended to find out more about numeracy and literacy improvement strategies, classroom expectations and home-study from our Learning Leaders and Principal. This was also an excellent opportunity for us to hear from parents – and many of our challenges are the same: student organisation and attention needs, and online behaviours!
Next term, we will host another parent/carer morning tea with a focus on student wellbeing, support services and behaviour management. Please keep an eye out on Compass early next term for more details.
Congratulations to some of the students who achieved recognition for their talent and strengths this term – well done to Amiya C, Kelvin W, Kirri M-R, and Sophie Y for being selected for the Victorian State Schools Spectacular that performed on Saturday 14 September at John Cain Arena. Congratulations also to all members of the Wind Symphony (see photo below) for their second placing at the South Street Eisteddfod in Ballarat on Wednesday 11 September! Congratulations to Ria V, Hallie N, Tarragon M, Anusha A and Minnie C for receiving the Spirit of the Tournament of the Minds Award for their participation in the Art Section.
This year we introduced weekly Home Group sessions at all year levels to increase a sense of belonging and inclusion in our students. Throughout the year we have reflected and acted on student feedback to strengthen this program and increase connection during that time. One of the measures we will also use to ensure the program meets its goals is the Student Attitudes to School Survey data. A snapshot of how the school rated on some of these relevant measures can be seen below – these results are all higher than the 2023 results.
The idea of establishing a student garden next to the triple portables at the back of the school was first thought of a couple of years ago by the Student Representative Committee (SRC) and last week staff and students were invited to the grand opening ceremony of this new space.
A smoking ceremony was held at lunchtime by our Department of Education Koorie Education Support Officer (KESO), Mark Lumley, who had been involved with the garden design plan from the beginning. Thank-you to our active and committed student leaders for making this happen! The space is about students meeting and collaborating and talking. Teachers are already keen to book the space for group discussions and other class activities.
Our enrolment numbers keep increasing – and I’m sure many of you are aware of the growth in housing in the Box Hill area. Next year, there will be over 1500 students at Box Hill High School, and our enrolment is strictly limited to students who live within the neighbourhood zone and siblings of students who are already enrolled. To support the school with additional classrooms the Department has organized another triple-storey modular building to be installed behind the school hall replacing a very old portable classroom.
This building project will hopefully have minor impact on the school in Term 4, mainly involving the relocation of the Year 8 lockers. More information will be provided to those students regarding the preparation for this.