Inspire Magazine
Issue One 2018 · 29 Mar 2018
In this issue
Year 9 School Captains
We are your 2018 School Leaders
Meet the 2018 SRC representatives!
The Preps have had a fantastic start to the year and have settled in well. It has been fantastic watching the Preps make new friends and learn all about school.
Our Minibeast incursion written by 1b:
Year 2 Recounts of Westgarthtown
Year 2 students, Mira, Rubi, Latu, Tanya, Adriana, Diya and Ella share their recounts of the Year 2 trip to Westgarthtown:, Mira, Rubi, Latu, Tanya, Adriana, Diya, Ella
In Auslan this Term we have been learning more about family signs. We have learned a lot more signs relating to family and describing ourselves. We looked at how we can correctly use signs in short conversations. We focused on hand shape, orientation and body movement.
CulturalDiversity Week
From Monday 19th to Friday 23rd of March, we celebrated Cultural Diversity Week:, This week in Year 5 we have being celebrating Cultural Diversity Week. This means that we have learned a lot of things about other cultures of different people and from different places. We have been colouring different flags we worked on how to show belonging; it was all about people belonging with others and are respected for who they are., - Cooper 5B
Humming about Humanities
Year 7 students share their favourite research assignments of Term One:
My Bakery Project
Year 7 students in Maths have been busy working on their My Bakery Project, as Carla and Jandrei explain:
Have you ever heard of biomimicry?
SANE share some of their experiences and experiments exploring the concept of biomimicry:
Year 4 Buddies
Year 4 students share their buddy experiences with the new Preps, Hanna, Mayank, Taylor
Year 7 Science
Here’s something cool you can try at home.
7 - 9 MAD Dance
MAD Dance students raised money for the Royal Children's Hospital Good Friday Appeal in 'Together We Dance', as Performing Arts Captain, Jaden, shares :
Year 9 English: NGV Excursion
The Year 9 students ventured to a number of NGV exhibitions for their English and Inquiry subjects:, Jaden, Rhiannon
Year 8 Food Discovery by Carol and Nicole, Year 8 Junior Master Chef by Brooke and Reiley
Inspirational Young Artists
For 2018, Inspired Magazine urged young inspiring and aspiring artists to submit their work, for the chance to be the front cover of Inspired Magazine
Term 1 Awards
Year 5, Year 6, Year 7, Year 8, Year 9
Published by The Lakes South Morang College