Year 4 Buddies
Year 4 students share their buddy experiences with the new Preps
as Hanna, Mayank and Taylor explain:
This term we have had a thrilling and fun blast with our new prep buddies. We spend time with our new buddies every second Monday and we do special activities with our buddies.
The Grade 4s got their prep buddies the first day the preps arrived at The Lakes. They were really shy and slightly nervous, although their getting to know the school better and are starting to make new friends.
My buddy is nice and friendly, he is really funny and makes me laugh a lot. He is also starting to make some new friends at school and is starting to get along with them. Meeting our buddies has been delightful and astonishing. I’m absolutely sure I’ll have a stunning year with my buddy.
This term I enjoyed learning about my buddy. My name is Mayank. My buddies name is Duncan. On the first Monday we went into our buddies room and we played all sorts of games. My favourite game was the pirate game. My buddy is 5 years old and he is a rock star! He is in Prep C. My prep loves Star Wars and he has a Star Wars themed school bag, bottle and lunch box.
This term I got a buddy named Ivy. She is a girl that has blonde hair, blue eyes and a big nice small. Earlier this year we wrote a buddy letter, I had all information and facts about me. After a couple of days we gave our letters to our buddies, she was astonished with excitement. I was so ready and exited to give her my letter. After that we played with our buddies and helped them find friends. We also did an activity where we had to draw each other and label it “big buddy and little buddy”, the picture turned out really well. I am really enjoying being a buddy to my prep.