Camden High School Newsletter

Safe, Respectful, Learner

Issue 5 · 19 Aug 2024

In this issue

From the Principal
From the Deputy Principals Welcome to Term 3
Year 12 Focus Term 3 - Save the Dates, In Other News ... 
Student Leadership Pyjama Day , Jeans for Jeans / Jersey Day , Wear it Purple Day  , Upcoming events 
Learning Success NEW Day for TASC
Aboriginal Education Walking, Talking & Writing
Wordslayers (English) The Semester Ahead , Year 12 – Trial Success , Year 11 - Decoding Language, Year 10 – Novel Study , Year 9 – Shakespeare , Year 8 – Novel Study , Year 7 – A Picture Tells a Thousand Words 
Camden Careers Important dates for 2025 University students
HSIE News  Upcoming Assessments: , Trial HSC Reflections: , Year 8 into Year 9  Subject Selection Information 
CAPA and Languages Japanese
Mathematics News Hello Mathematicians!, Interesting Maths Article: , Maths Movie Recommendation: “21”, TASC (also known as Homework Club)
PDHPE Years 7-10, Work Studies, PDHPE - personal development, health and physical education, SLR - Sport, Lifestyle and Recreation
Support Faculty Snapshot Stage 4 , Stage 5 , Stage 6 ,  Work Experience/Excel Program
SWAG  National Science Week: 12th - 16th August 
Talking Attendance...
TAS Times Upcoming Assessments, Major Projects & Porfolios , Senior Workshop time , NAIDOC week activities  , Stage 5 - Subject Selection, Fees , Shoes 
Ways to Wellbeing Year 7 Camp , Year 7 and 10 Vaccinations , Wellbeing Programs: HEADS UP , Teens & Screens , School Refusal 
The Sport Report Debra Hanson Cup ,  Georgia Zannino , Athletics Wrap up 2024 , Boys Knockout Hockey , Open Girls Knockout Netball 
P&C News
Upcoming Events Week 5, Week 6, Week 7, Week 8, Week 9, Week 10