Student Leadership

Student and Sports Leadership Team

Pyjama Day 

Pyjama day took place on Friday 26th July with students of Camden High donning their best looks to highlight an important cause. Pyjama Day raises much needed awareness for children who are living in out of home care. About 46 thousand children are currently in out of home care, with Australia in a midst of a sever foster carer shortage. 




Jeans for Jeans / Jersey Day 

On Friday 9th August, students were encouraged to wear their favourite team jersey and a pair of jeans as we raised money and awareness for two important causes, genetic disorders and organ donation.  


1 in 20 children face birth defects or genetic diseases and often hear the words ‘incurable’ or ‘lifelong effects. Kids just want to be kids, and these children are getting liver transplants and taking regular medication, rather than playing sports and catching up with their friends.  


Wear it Purple Day  

Wear it Purple Day is a Department of Education endorsed awareness day which occurs annually. It aims to promote safe and supportive learning environments for LGBTQIA+ students and is an opportunity for schools to support diversity, respect and acceptance whilst acknowledging that everyone has the right to be proud of who they are.  


Students are encouraged to wear a splash of purple to school on Friday the 30th of August to celebrate the day and may choose to engage in the optional activities occurring during break time.    


More information can be found at this website:  




Upcoming events 

  • 2025 School Captain process currently underway 
  • National Day Against Violence and Bullying – Friday 16th August – Week 4: The SLC will be facilitating a range of activities aimed at spreading awareness and providing support regarding the prevalence of violence and bullying among young people. 
  • Wear it Purple Day – August 30th – Week 6 
  • R U OK? Day – September 12th  
  • World Teachers Day – 25th September – Week 10