Wordslayers (English)

English Faculty

The Semester Ahead 

This Semester students have the opportunity to improve on their results thus far, using feedback from their Semester One reports and family support. All students should have their English books and equipment for each lesson. Being ready to learn in a safe and respectful environment is the foundation to success. This Term there are many exciting and academically challenging things happening in the English faulty.


Year 12 – Trial Success 

Year 12 completed their HSC Trial Examinations last Term and this Term should be reflecting on their success and working to improve their efforts and understanding as they rapidly approach the HSC Examinations in October. Maintaining focus and diligence to their studies in all levels of English will ensure that not only do they achieve a commendable result in their HSC but continue to solidify life ready skills of perseverance, commitment, and the pursuit of excellence. 


Year 11 - Decoding Language

Year 11 have been exploring language codes and conventions through their study of 'The Great Gatsby'.



Year 10 – Novel Study 

Year 10 are engaged in a novel study with most classes reading S.E. Hinton’s ‘The Outsiders’. This great novel has many important life lessons on relationships, family, and conflict. 

... “Stay golden, Ponyboy.”  


Year 9 – Shakespeare 

Year 9 are commencing a drama study with a focus on the great bard himself: William Shakespeare. ‘Romeo and Juliet’ and ‘Macbeth’ are engaging students in valuable life lessons and enlightening students with not-so-new turn of phrases. 


Year 8 – Novel Study 

Year 8 are engaged with a novel study. Novels such as ‘Coraline’ and ‘Trash’ are teaching them how young people can navigate the world around them.  




Year 7 – A Picture Tells a Thousand Words 

Year 7 are building their visual literacy skills through the study of picture books. Understanding the connections between text and images is important as much communication is centred around what we see not just what we read. 


From all of us in the English faculty, 

Thank you.