From the Deputy Principals
Welcome to Term 3
It has been a very busy start to the term with NAIDOC Week, Public Education Week, Camden Challenge Cup, Tournament of the Minds, Science Week, Anti-Bullying Day, Jeans and Jersey Day and Pyjama Day to name just of few of the events. These events provide valuable opportunities for students to grow and learn, not just in the classroom or courses they complete at school and would not be possible without the commitment and dedication of CHS staff.
Ms Kedward would particularly like to thank the Camden community for supporting her, with Mr Berrell and Sophia Deppi with the World’s Greatest Shave late last term raising a fantastic $7926. Thanks also must go to Michelle’s Hairloom and The Production Command for generously donating their time.
To support students with their academic progress we have decided to move Teacher Assisted Study Centre (TASC) from Tuesday afternoons to Thursday afternoons. TASC will now be held in the library from 2-3pm and is supported by a range of staff from all faculties. This change will allow more students to attend as they are able to access bus transport home at 3pm. Please encourage students to utilise this free service, especially when assessment tasks are coming up. Senior students can also gain valuable study tips for each of their subjects in preparation for their exams.
As Year 12 finish up their final weeks at school, and Year 11 start preparing for the final exams and then the HSC it is a good time to remind everyone your personal best is always its own reward. Commitment, integrity and hard work is the way to achieve your best.
Keep at it. Right to the finish line.