Year 12 Focus

Term 3 - Save the Dates

We would like to emphasise that it is important for the Year 12 students’ last weeks at school to be enjoyable, safe, and productive. Listed below are several events and expectations of students between now and the end of Year 12.



Year 12 lessons will continue until the end of Term 3. Students are expected to attend every day of school (except Thursday Week B) until Wednesday 25th September 2024. This is essential to ensure the completion of Higher School Certificate courses and to allow for revision to be undertaken. Students need to make full use of this valuable time and seek assistance in every area of uncertainty.  The Hub is staffed to assist Year 12 students to maximise their marks and should be used as a valuable study tool whenever a student has a timetabled period in the Hub. Students can organise to attend Thursday Week B and work with their teachers if they require additional support, and this day may also be used for additional learning opportunities at school or excursions. This time should also be used by students to undertake a thorough study and revision program at home. Students should be doing between 3 and 5 hours of study and revision per night.  I ask parents to support students and the school in these expectations to ensure that each student gains the maximum advantage from the period leading up to the High School Certificate Examinations.


HSC Workshops


Staff have agreed to volunteer their time and offer study workshops in the September holiday break for most courses. We know from experience that participation in these workshops improves students’ results, and we strongly encourage all students to attend.

Further information regarding these workshops will be provided to Year 12 students closer to the holiday break period.


HSC Exams

HSC written exams will begin on 15th October and finish on 8th November.  Some students will start their HSC exam journey earlier than this with Language Oral exams, major work submissions, practical and performance exams. All students should have accessed their Students Online account to view their personalised HSC timetable.



Year 12 Graduation Assembly

The Graduation Assembly will be held at Club Menangle Trackside on Thursday 26th September 2024. At this celebration Year 12 will receive their final reports and portfolios and many students will receive awards. It will be a final opportunity for parents to see their child receive recognition for their achievements from Camden High School. As this is a formal event all students are expected to be in full school uniform. An invitation with ticket booking will be sent out in the next few weeks.


Year 12 Formal

The Year 12 Formal evening will be held at Gledswood Homestead and Winery, 900 Camden Valley Way, Gledswood Hills on Tuesday 24th September 2024. The function will be held from 5.30 – 10pm and will cost $109 per head. This includes a three-course meal, unlimited soft drinks, DJ, table decorations, and a photo booth and official photographer. Parents are welcome to escort their child to the venue where you have the chance for some beautiful photo opportunities prior to the formal. Final payment is due by Friday 13th September 2024.


Picnic Day

The Picnic Day will be held on Monday 23rd September 2024 at Camden High School. The day will start with normal roll call, and then student’s will undertake a rehearsal for their Graduation in the morning. At Recess time students will put on a morning tea for their teachers, year advisers will assist them with set up, but students will need to contribute by bringing in something. Their Year Advisers will then run some fun activities in the school grounds, before having a lunch which will be provided to them by the school. Students will be able to leave at 1.30pm.


Returning Equipment

To finalise the leaving school process students will need to ensure that all school equipment that has been borrowed is returned to the library. This includes any textbooks or laptops that have been issued. School contributions can be paid at the Front Office.


Summary of Important Dates and reminders

13th SeptemberFinal date for Formal ticket payment
23rd SeptemberYear 12 Picnic Day and graduation rehearsal – At Camden HS
24th September Normal school day, then Formal at Gledswood Homestead and Winery 5.30-10pm
25th SeptemberFinal day of classes
26th SeptemberFormal Graduation Ceremony at Club Menangle Trackside
15th October  Higher School Certificate Written Examinations commence
8th NovemberHigher School Certificate Written Examinations conclude


Please note: the graduation will be held at Club Menangle Trackside - [Racecourse Avenue, Menangle Park NSW 2563] - due to renovations at the Camden Civic Centre and having to locate another suitable venue to host 600+ guests, students and staff. 



In Other News ... 

Year 12 students have been making the most of their final weeks to use school facilities and set a sporting challenge to Year 11 and Staff. A series of highly competive sporting matches have been played - lots of fun and good spirit. Enjoy some of the highlights below!


Year 11 v Year 12 

FIFA - Year 12

Netball mixed – Year 11

Relay – Year 11

Novelty relay – Year 12

Boys Volleyball – Year 12

Mixed Oz-tag – Year 12

Boys 6 a side Soccer – Year 12

Girls 6 a side Soccer – Year 12

Girls Volleyball – Year 12