Personal Development, Health & Physical Education

Years 7-10

Year 7 are looking at positive relationships this term. They have an assessment task on positive relationships due at the end of Week 5, Term 3. As for practical, the students are assessed on an ongoing basis for striking and fielding sports throughout terms 3 and 4. These include teeball, softball and cricket. 


Year 8 are looking at cybersmart this term and food choices in Term 4.  The students will have a yearly examination in Week 4, Term 4.  As for practical, they are assessed on an ongoing basis for invasion games throughout terms 3 and 4. These sports include oztag, soccer and gaelic football. 



This term Year 9 PASS are learning about Extreme Sports in their theoretical lessons. During practical lessons they are practicing and critiquing their Fundamental Movement Skills in a variety of different sporting disciplines.


This term Year 9 PDHPE will be learning about relationships and sexual health during their theoretical lessons. In practical, Year 9 will have an ongoing assessment this term which will assess their participation, involvement and skills in a range of invasion games.  


Year 10 PASS are learning about Event Management, designing teams, draws and point scoring systems. They are playing these draws out during their practical lessons in a series of round robin tournaments.


Year 10 have a few big things coming up this term in PDHPE. In theoretical lessons, year 10 are learning about road safety. This road safety unit is complimented with an excursion taking place in week 5 - “B Street Smart”. Year 10 will also have a PDHPE examination towards the back end of this term. In practical lessons, Year 10 are applying and refining their skills in various court sports contexts including hockey and mini tennis! 



Work Studies

Year 11 Work Studies have been busy collecting recycled products from the school grounds and creating games from scratch to market to a particular interest group as part of their 'Treasure Hunt - Product Marketing Opportunity' study. The finished products have been marked and can be viewed on the school's social media handles. Notable products were  'Work Studopoly', 'Mini-Pool' and 'Ice Rink".  


Year 12 have now completed their final Assessment Task, a Personal Financial Plan. This involved budgeting and planning for an overseas holiday of their interest. The standard of the completed assessments was extremely high and these students should be congratulated on their hard work throughout the course. 


PDHPE - personal development, health and physical education

Year 11 PDHHPE are nearing the end of the Preliminary Course and will soon undertake the Preliminary Course Examination, before commencing the HSC in Term 4. 


Year 12 PDHPE have now completed all their Assessment Tasks, culminating with the Trial HSC at the end of Term 2. They will now be completing their final unit on 'Improving Performance' and commencing intense preparations and revision for the HSC Examination.  


SLR - Sport, Lifestyle and Recreation

Year 11 SLR are commencing the assessment task on 'Issues in Sport'. This involves unpacking and interpreting sports issues in daily newspapers such as the Daily Telegraph. Students provide an in-depth analysis of current issues in Sport, with the Olympics being a popular theme. 


Year 12 SLR are now completing their final assessment in the unit 'Games and Sports Applications II'. This task involves the creation of a unique game/sport for the class to participate in.