St Raphael's School

Issue 19 · 24 Nov 2021

In this issue

Principal News
RE News Advent, Sacrament of First Reconciliation, Assembly Friday 26th November @ 2.30 pm via Zoom
Office News
Literacy Why is Reading Important for Young Children?, Reading Games to Enjoy at Home:, Word-Based Snakes And Ladders, Guess The Word, Hopscotch Spelling Bee, Valuing Parents in the Reading Process
Mathematics Parental Engagement in Education and Mathematics, MAV Resources
Student Wellbeing Taming the technology, 20 Questions That Get Kids to Talk About School
Learning Diversity How to help children and young people adjust to the ‘new normal‘, How to look for warning signs, What you can do to support your children, Ask questions, Provide care, affection and encouragement, Encourage healthy behaviours, Additional resources
Foundation News What Does Walker Learning Look Like in Foundation?, Poetry in Prep, Religion, Important Dates, Week 9,10 & 11 Timetables, Week 9,10 & 11 Learning Intentions, Staff Contacts
Year 1/2 News Wonderful Water Play!, Aboriginal Dreamtime Stories , Construction, Construction, Construction!, ICT Information for Year Two Students, Important Dates, Week 9, 10 & 11 Learning Intentions, Week 9, 10 & 11 Weekly Timetables, Staff Contacts
Year 3/4 News Writing, Maths, First Reconciliation, Week 9, 10 & 11 Timetable and Learning Intentions, Important Dates, Staff Contacts
Year 5/6 News  On-site Camp Experience, PBL, Literacy , End of Term Reminders, Week 8 -11 Learning Intentions, Important Dates, Staff Contacts
FOUNDATION 2022 2022 Foundation Parent/Teacher Interviews, Do You Have a Question?, FAQ , SPICE (Supported Playgroup Igniting Children's Engagement)
Library News
Science Education Foundation, Year 1/2, Year 3/4, Year 5/6, Science at home
Physical Education Congratulations!, Sports Day
Visual Arts Foundation, Year 1/2, Year 3/4, Year 5/6
Student Birthdays Birthdays
Uniform Shop
Community News St. Raphael's Basketball News, West Preston Lakeside Football Club, Coburg Little Athletics
Dates to Remember Term 4/ 2021

Published by St Raphael's School