
Emma Sbizzirri

Parental Engagement in Education and Mathematics

Strong parent and school partnerships are one of the best ways to support students' learning, development and wellbeing. The Raising Children Network have identified that effective engagement between parents, teachers and students supports improved results, engagement, positive social skills, and foster a strong sense of feeling valued and important. 

In Mathematics in particular, learning does not just take place in the classroom. It can happen anywhere. A young student's everyday routine offers opportunities and experiences to practise and apply their numeracy skills in real and meaningful ways. 

Some possible ideas may include:

  • look out and count the numbers you see around the house and neighbourhood
  • Notice the size, shape and features of household objects
  • investigate different coins and their values 
  • play a board game, exploring strategy and counting
  • notice the time (particularly on an analogue clock!) 
  • calculate the cost of dinner or groceries 
  • look and discuss graphs or charts depicted online or on television 

MAV Resources

The Mathematical Association of Victoria have produced some wonderful resources with activities and games you may like to explore at home with your child. Please find these attached.