Science Education

Julie Garbutt:

Over the last two weeks, students completed the unit they started in remote learning and explored the fascinating world of pollinators as part of Australian Pollinator Week. 

Native stingless bee. Photo courtesy of Mark Berkery, from Australian Pollinator Week.
Native stingless bee. Photo courtesy of Mark Berkery, from Australian Pollinator Week.


Students planned a weather report that included a description of the weather, some activities that could be done in that weather and what clothes to wear. 

As part of Australian Pollinator Week, students explored some Australian native bees and described the body features and habitat of bees. 


Year 1/2

Students identified the features of small animals used for feeding, moving and protection and their habitat. They created a 'What am I' poster including clues about the animal, a drawing of their animal and its habitat.

For Australian Pollinator Week, students observed bees collecting pollen from flowers, explored some Australian native bees and created a mind-map of the body features and habitat of bees.   

Year 3/4

Students revised how we know if something is living, then organised drawings of specimens into groups based on observable features. 


For Australian Pollinator Week, students explored the beauty of pollinators, identified and described the features of pollinators and plants, and completed a short quiz. 

Year 5/6

Students identified and described the physical and behavioural adaptations of Kangaroos that help them survive in semi-arid environments. Students represented their understanding though an annotated drawing. 


For Australian Pollinator Week, students explored the beauty, features and relationship of pollinators and plants, and completed a short quiz.  

Science at home

If you would like to engage in some science at home, you may like to consider: