Physical Education 

Matt Vernal -


In a remarkable achievement St Raphael's have not one but two representatives in the School Sport Victoria Under 12 soccer team. Keira Sarris has been selected to represent the girl's team while Justin Rametta has been given the same honour for the boy's team. It is a real credit to both students as they underwent a strenuous and lengthy trial period and after each session were faced with the prospect of being "cut". They both survived however, and are now on their way to Sydney in early December to represent our fine state and our school. Good luck to both Keira and Justin!



Sports Day

Now that it has been locked in on the calendar, the St Raphael's Sports Day is fast approaching. Whilst this will be held at the Coburg Athletics Track it is an opportunity for all the students to participate in their respective houses and have some fun. The events predominantly have a novelty theme to them such as the egg and spoon race and kanga sack relay, however each child competes in a sprint also. The winning house is presented with a trophy at the end of the day as well, so there is plenty of competitive spirit. If you haven't responded to the permission note via Operoo with your preferred mode of transport, then please do so as soon as possible.