Student Wellbeing

Annie McNaughton

Taming the technology


Over the last 2 years, our students have had to rely on technology for many different things. These have included, schoolwork, entertainment and socialisation.


Whilst, technology has many amazing attributes, it can also be problematic. Since our return to onsite, we have been informed of several cases outside of school hours where children are accessing inappropriate material and displaying unkind behaviours to others.


We encourage you to read the information on the following website and have a discussion with your children about the use of technology and using it safely. 


20 Questions That Get Kids to Talk About School

Here are some great ways for your conversations to Go Beyond “How was Your Day” with Fun and Creative Questions for Kids

1. What was your favourite part about school today?

2. What activity did you like the most today? And the least?

3. If you could do any moment at school over today, what would it look like?

4. What was the funniest thing that happened in your class today?

5. Which activity did you feel most confident about today?

6. What’s the most interesting thing you heard at school today?

7. If you could change just ONE thing about school, what would that be?

8.  What made you laugh/worry/smile in school today?

9. What 3 words would you use to describe your best friend in school?

10. If you were stranded on a deserted island with one person from your school, who do you wish that would be? How come?

11. If you had $1,000 to buy something for your school, what would you buy and where would you put it?

12. What qualities do you like most about your teacher?

13. What is something your teacher said to you today that you are still thinking about?

14. Who did you play with/talk with at school today?

15. What is your best friends favourite part of school? Is that the same for you or different?

16. If a famous person could come to teach a class at your school, who would that be and what should they teach?

17. What parts of school today went by the fastest? Slowest?

18. When I went to school there were some kids that were a bit mean, teasing and such…have you noticed anything like that at your school?

19. Was there anything you wanted to learn more about today but didn’t have time to ask the teacher about?

20.What are you looking forward to learning in school tomorrow/this month/this year?