
What is Advent?
Advent is the period of four Sundays and weeks before Christmas. The word Advent means 'Coming' in Latin, which is the coming of Jesus into the world. Catholic Christians use the four Sundays and weeks of Advent to prepare and remember the real meaning of Christmas.
There are three meanings of 'coming' that Catholics describe in Advent. The first thought and essential purpose of the 'coming' is when Jesus came into the world as a baby to live as a man and die for us. The second can happen now as Jesus wants to come into our lives now. And the third will occur in the future when Jesus comes back to the world as King and Judge, not a baby.
As a Catholic, the perspective on Advent calls us to wake up to ourselves as Christians. It is a time to shake ourselves out of apathy, inertia and a sense of powerlessness, meaninglessness and of taking life for granted. Instead, it is about believing that God is with us, we can make a difference, and that we can reach out into the darkness of war, poverty, ecological imbalance, violence and greed, and work together to shape a different world. To influence a change in the global world requires reflection on our relationships. So during Advent, as Catholic Christians, we take the time to ponder and ask ourselves, where do we stand in this Kingdom of God, within our relationships or encounters with others, and how are we characterised by love, warmth, goodwill and healthy conflict for the common good.
LIGHT THE ADVENT CANDLE 1- HOPE. Sunday 28th November
Gospel Reflection: Luke 21:25-28, 34-36 "Pray at all Times"
This Advent year, as a school community and across all levels, our focus and learning will focus on the actions and prayers for making a more just and fair world – a world full of hope, peace, joy, and love. With the Advent wreath as the prime symbol, students will understand the purpose and meaning of the individual candles, colours, and value.
Candle 1 (violet): represents hope
Candle 2 (violet): represents peace
Candle 3 (rose): represents joy
Candle 4 (violet): represents love
Below is a link from Caritas Austalia on How to make a personal/family Advent Wreath
Sacrament of First Reconciliation
Last Friday the Year 4 students received the Sacrament of First Eucharist.
Through the Sacrament of Reconciliation program, students explored the concepts of forgiving, healing and peacemaking. Students understood the three Rites of Reconciliation with the main focus being on the 1st Rite 1:1 with Parish Priest) celebrated in the Catholic Church. Students identify the process of reconciling with others and God and learnt the 'Act of Contrition' prayer. We ask that our school and parish community keep the children in their prayers as they continue with their preparation of the First Eucharist on 11th December.
Assembly Friday 26th November @ 2.30 pm via Zoom
Zoom Link:
Meeting ID: 851 2599 9767